Saturday, August 24, 2013

夏末雜記 Parade's End

灩夏將盡,從剛開始一個人不知做什麼好到後來的自得其樂, 自由讓人嚴重上癮, 專心工作盡情享受, 週末睡到自然醒無需遷就丈夫和孩子的作息, 沈浸好書好電影美食世界… 同事們頻頻稱讚這些日子LK容光煥發, 可見對我這款名士派, 充實的精神生活便是美容良方:)  上週末欣賞了同名原作改編的Parade's End, 華麗憂傷, 為我的暑假劃下別緻的句點.

picture credit:  BBC

Summer is coming to an end and so is my temporary bachelorettehood.  I watched, cooked, read... relishing anything best enjoyed in solitude like there’s no tomorrow.  Yes, yes I caught up on all three seasons of Game of Thrones and decided that scheming violence, the explosion of testosterone, and the juxtaposition of King Arthur Medieval Europe with Sinbad the Sailor all too baffling(entertaining nevertheless).

Friday, August 9, 2013

圖騰與禁忌 Vide Cor Meum

**誤認LK為氣質才女者請別閱讀這篇, 讀壞眼睛吃壞肚子莫謂我言之不預**
My Happy Hour cocktail dress and 'killer' Louboutin :)
I embarked on a pensive odyssey since the moment I tuned in to NBC Hannibal.  My fascination continued in a delicious and yes, ethical manner. As exuberant as the cinematography gets with each episode, I can never be in the mindset to appreciate Bon Appetit cannibalistic edition.