Friday, October 31, 2014

有約東京 Meet Me in Tokyo


Feeling lucky to be able to stop by Tokyo for some design inspiration before the official work trip started thanks to my understanding boss and my in-laws helping out.  On his way back from Singapore to the Bay Area, on my way to South East Asia from San Francisco, Mr. LK and I met in Tokyo for dinner and coffee.
此趟初秋環亞大出差前決定給自己ㄧ趟小小靈感之旅: 過境東京三天!  剛好LK先生自新加坡公務結束回程暫停日本, 也多得公婆不久前來美國幫忙照顧小V, 夫妻倆能夠於異地約會, LK先生還替我先扛回大包小包的戰利品 :)