Saturday, January 31, 2015

新年 To Finish What I Started

I started this portrait a couple years ago, painted it here and there, added embellishment from time to time... It was meant to remotely portraying infamous Countess Elizabeth Bathory but turned out resembling Lady Mary's nemesis, Mabel Lane Fox(!)  The transformation sort of parallels my soulful journey from glum to comic relief :). That's it for now.  Busy, busy January.
眼看一月份部落格要開天窗了, 急急忙忙登幅幾年前開始的, 陸陸續續添筆的畫像. 提醒自己別次次三分鐘熱度, 虎頭蛇尾 :(  二月底我母親生日, 近幾年母女磨擦對峙亦趨溫緩, 或許是看著小V日漸長大, 我突然回憶起年幼時的我如何孺慕父母吧!  仍十分美麗的母親似乎擁有新的追求者(怎麼有點Downton Abbey Season 5的味道?!) 所以新年無啥了不起的志向, 希望自己行事有始有終, 我愛的人都能幸福 :)