Thursday, November 19, 2015

藥引 Miss LK's Rhapsody 7th Anniversary

今年過得抑揚頓挫, 似乎有位才華洋溢卻仍摸索著創作方向的音樂家, 繃緊我的心緒為弓, 調度我的情緒為弦, 悠悠拂奏闕闕樂曲, 時輕快俏皮, 如拋媚眼, 曲誤周郎顧... 時沈斂抑鬱, 是忽聞江上弄哀箏, 若含情, 遣誰聽奏著奏著金鼓齊鳴, 十面埋伏後戛然而止, 一片寂靜只聽到自己心跳的險意.
My anniversary post should have happened in May and the long delay only demonstrates:

Poor time management,
Life has been overwhelming,
I am too absorbed in the action and therefore neglecting the reflection…

All of the above.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

上海念 READ! Shanghai

近來領悟, 自己存活於兩個世界.  一個我, 人生若只如初見, 悠悠盪漾於佛羅倫斯名畫春天前, 臨摹大師筆法, 研究著女神們光潔的髮絲肌膚, 如何透過薄如蟬翼的輕紗呼吸, 所有細節在一支筆一柄刀, 手腕的力道轉合.  另一個我天天通勤時時開會, 協商人事物力, 腦海跑著一頁接一頁的數據報表.  此趟商旅光是開頭的整合風波連連, 等到政治角力席捲, 我才幌然大悟前後發生什麼事.  仁者樂山, 智者樂水, 遇到困境, 老莊信徒如我, 直覺是走出去看世界! 於印度的行程申請半天自費往泰姬瑪哈朝聖, 興沖沖裁畫紙收拾畫具, 準備好好描繪世界奇景… 人算總不如天算, 風塵僕僕到達官陵, 才知道管理局不準人畫畫, 心死了大半, 此事容後再敍.
Shanghai is a beauty, very difficult to court and too savvy to be ignored.  I don’t like how she exudes the scent of fortune, likely due to my anemic wallet yet in a very rare occasion when she smiles with her chin tilted and eyes glanced sideways, I wish I have the gold to turn her head.  I really do.