Sunday, March 6, 2016

昇華 Dares To Be Tough Can Equally Dare To Be Delicate

'A woman who dares to be tough can equally dare to be delicate.' is the message behind Chloe, the Parisian couture house's autumn 2016 line.  The attitude and duality, to be applauded and the pairing of cascading ruffles of chiffon with linear simplicity of leather gear is a reverie to lose oneself in.

氣氛低迷, 大夥苦中作樂, 由我領隊聯合織品部企劃春夏交接系列, 邊加班邊聊天, 互猜如果不幹這行會做什麼?  眾人紛紛推選LK重入古老學府再修幾個學位進修的確乃自我昇華良方, 從小到大甚少訴苦, 不知撒嬌是何物, 往往出借肩膀讓好友哭泣當情緒靠山.  年輕時為戀人傷透心也只承諾自己有天將更有成就絕不回頭, 多年後於LinkedIn再見熟悉的名字微微淺笑. 如今為人妻人母, LK先生意見分岐, 心愈冷愈清晰, 雙眸探照燈般端詳眼前人, 十多年前此君還是研究所電機系最帥的男生…