Sunday, June 30, 2019

七劍下天山 Vision, Inspired, Humbled, Beauty, Tomorrow...

Well, well, well… how was it possible that my summer travels have gone from Bon Voyage to Bonkers Voyage?  Therefore, allow me to keep schizophrenia for company, just this post.
驛馬星動卻頻頻遇見航班誤點航空罷工種種困難… 只得花錢消災, 但求平安回家!  提筆記錄, 不成章法順序:

四月 - 胡志明市, 金邊, 暹粒/吳哥窟, 新德里.
五月 - 西雅圖
六月 - 大阪, 京都, 臺北.
七月 - 翡冷翠