Saturday, December 14, 2019

歷險之必要 It's A World of Hopes and A World of Fears

Thanksgiving well spent in Orlando where we reveled in childhood wonder of the Disney World and relived the magic of Harry Potter.  Naturally the countdown to Christmas could only be the Hogwarts advent! 
十ㄧ月中忙完數場發表會, 大抵腎上腺素枯竭, 開始童趣化… 成日不務正業玩耍.  已高過我半個頭多的小V忍不住嘆氣:  難怪Ollivanders Wand Shop店裏人當媽咪是小孩子(?!)  感恩節歡渡於佛州童話世界, 旅行歸來意猶未盡, 搶購LEGO Harry Potter 2019倒數節曆, 亦如貪糖吃的小朋友偷跑, 耶誕節還沒到, 禮物拆光光拼建魔法學校 :P

Saturday, November 16, 2019

千古風流 Death of A Philistine

Talented, strong, and beautiful... Dame Helen Mirren, will you marry me?  The elemental brutality in Catherine The Great slaughtered my mellow weekend brain though… Reminiscing our summer retreat in the midst of winter, a sadist or a masochist am I?
都說愛上了Helen Mirren, 看她Catherine The Great裏趾高氣昂對面首之一說:  "你早就不愛我了, 卻沒勇氣對我坦白, 孬!"  直想起立鼓掌.  2019職場檔案接連, 做對的事雖耗時費力, 求問心無愧, 遲來正義有二敝公司玩具部移交, 今年聖誕銷售開紅盤, 卻是團隊與我去年心血, 當然乏人感謝LK焚膏繼晷

Sunday, October 20, 2019

颶風紀 Mighty 19

本來該寫六月京都遊記, 然十月東京蒙難, 先插播滿腹牢騷, 今年是否沖撞掌管航運神祇東方應是媽祖默娘, 西方大抵為飛靴長翅的Hermes, 請受小的奉上空也紅豆最中兩枚, 保祐敝人消災除噩, 平安到家.
June, strained in Taipei due to cabin crew union strike.  July, strained in Chicago after a cancelled connecting flight on my way to Firenze.  October, strained in Tokyo in clearance of Typhoon Hagibis.  That's my luck and stocking up on any kind of food was all I could do for my hideout...

Sunday, September 15, 2019

荒誕 His Piercing Gaze

As I composed the finale to my Firenze travelogue, I also survived a tumultuous development season.  Action is the window to a person's soul and I am happy to report that professionalism has triumphed.  
Cappelle Medicee.  Stolen moments with Michelangelo's magnificence via a discreet entrance.
不知從何時開始, 每年生日禮物是單獨旅行, 無特定主題, 想到哪走到哪… 存在主義的起手式, 與往昔未雨綢繆的自己過招.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

我與春天有約 Surviving the Briar Patch

I wanted to revisit La Primavera since the summer of 2015.  Four years later, Le Gallerie degli Uffizi I came, reunited with not only Botticelli but also Leonardo da Vinci and Caravaggio.  Botticelli wields artistic refinement with clinical precision, Leonardo da Vinci transcends time in his dynamic intellectualism and Caravaggio, instills a lush fluidity between light and shadow. 
佇立艷陽下的聖母百花大教堂, 青春洋溢姐妹花請我替她倆照相, 紮著絲巾的微捲褐髪, 碧眼與玫瑰色紅唇閃爍笑意, 短裙翩翩筆直的勻稱長腿, 真是幅美景!

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

綠光     Data - Info - Knowledge - Understanding - Wisdom

Schizophrenia lingers.  While the Chinese version of this blog post socializes the musing about Firenze, the English version assumes the spirit of organizational analysis.  An ounce of information is worth a pound of data.  What constitutes politics?  Too many lazy brains with overly active wagging fingers.
 The renaissance Italian certainly did politics with excellent styles:  twining muscles in homoerotic postures, bravissimo!!!  Here's Palazzo Vecchio overlooking Piazza della Signoria.

喜歡稱呼佛羅倫斯 - 翡冷翠, 義大利文Firenze音譯, 閃綠光, 我喜歡的顏色有多少風流便有多少折墮, 翡冷翠之行先折墮, 再風流; 休完假回歸工作, 則是折折折, 墮墮墮, 折墮折墮…

Sunday, June 30, 2019

七劍下天山 Vision, Inspired, Humbled, Beauty, Tomorrow...

Well, well, well… how was it possible that my summer travels have gone from Bon Voyage to Bonkers Voyage?  Therefore, allow me to keep schizophrenia for company, just this post.
驛馬星動卻頻頻遇見航班誤點航空罷工種種困難… 只得花錢消災, 但求平安回家!  提筆記錄, 不成章法順序:

四月 - 胡志明市, 金邊, 暹粒/吳哥窟, 新德里.
五月 - 西雅圖
六月 - 大阪, 京都, 臺北.
七月 - 翡冷翠

Sunday, May 26, 2019

古墓奇兵 The Lost Heaven on Earth

Catching up to write about my scenic detour during the April trip to Southeast Asia - Angkor Wat.  The spectacular archeological site and the exuberant mythology of Hindu Buddhism topped any anthropology lesson for me.  Angkor Wat, Bayon and Ta Prohm unraveled such melancholy splendor of the Khmer civilization.  What was once lost was found in the end.
 LK(aka Lonely Knight) outside the Bayon Temple.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

黑洞 A Cynic's Dictionary of Relativity

Far, far away in the galaxy the black hole exists... my once sweet little boy has also gone into the adolescence black ‘whole’ and I cannot wait for him to emerge from the other end.  I might have signed up for more than I could fulfill, the event horizon is cluttering up.  I was writing this post while traveling in Ho Chi Minh City, Phnom Penh, Shenzhen and New Delhi for work, my mind continued to dwell in Tokyo where the LK clan spent our winter vacation, warping of space-time.
Le Chocolat Alain Ducasse at Nihonbashi.
V正值難搞青春期, 我應老朋友M邀約加入慈善基金會董事, 工作則依然忙得不可開交想想自己是否過份貪心, 好好扮演一個角色已不易, 怎能三頭六臂面面俱到?

Sunday, March 24, 2019

危轉機 Farce and Hamartia

明明老了不認老, 頻頻提當年勇, 或從頭到腳堆砌學生時代負擔不起, 今時今日也未必適合自己等等時尚名牌, 大抵是中年危機最表層症狀; 再深入, 便是條條大哉問… 近來吾兒青春期發酵, 一窩子misfits摔門互吼, 突覺前陣子職場種種不過小巫見大巫.  不是完全無理解善意, 頂頭上司從書架找出本Raising Boys塞給我, 前兩日春分, 團隊彩印我喜歡的Botticelli名畫春天, 悄悄懸掛於辦工室正牆逗我會心微笑 :)

With a Teenage Rex in the house, our household of midlife crisis vs. adolescence has raised stress to the level of art.  The modern art of chaos, parody… all crumble into a farce.  I needed much self helps in the form of writing and reminiscing our winter retreat in Tokyo.  Sizzling crabs on crackling charcoal and sake fused snapper stew.  I told you, I am taking the 'comfort' of comfort food very literally.
於東京過新曆年未曾書寫, 近幾年頻赴東京, 熟悉有份安寧, 是老朋友的默契老情人的窩心.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

語言和公約數 Las Palabras de Amor

“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.”
_____ Mark Twain

I executed a corporate order on the Friday post Valentine.  It hurt deeply on multiple facets.  I found solace within a lovely bouquet arranged by the boys.  Mr. LK picked me camellia blossoms from our backyard and Little V drew me the sweetest note.  Still, not sure how I am ever going to get over this, perhaps only time will tell.  I wish I could spare you the pain, the confusion yet I failed miserably, as a leader of the team.  I am sorry beyond words.
情人節當天公司舉辦派對分豬肉似的頒獎, 頂頭上司進我辦公室低聲說這次你來我無需在場, 而後人事部召我密談, 隔天我排除所有人類的情緒情感, 裁去團隊共事四年的年青設計師莎拉.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

偽裝 Miss LK's Rhapsody 10th Anniversary

2018行色匆匆, 幾項富挑戰性的企劃案終究夭折.  創新改革的口號喊得震天價響, 但見滿朝落魄皇孫, 逃難不忘穿金戴銀, 左擁右抱, 架子端得挺好, 至美來句莎翁名句 One can smile and smile and still be a villain… 過節前趕赴上海商旅, 團隊捉襟見肘, 烏雲罩頂, 收假歸來立召密談, 我不殺伯仁, 伯仁因我而死.
My life is governed by duality as a blood type AB, the newer, more modern sanguine family prone to diseases yet mercurial, adaptable with a nimble intelligence.  While I titled in Chinese this post camouflage or the great pretender(what?), the irony is, I am searching for kindness within and outward, my true resolution for 2019.