Saturday, June 27, 2020

占卜 Toast

Sortes Vergilianae is a form of divination by books, specifically Virgil's Aeneid.  I continue to question the epic:  it's the men who play with fire but always the women burned on the pyre, WHY?!  The ability of making visual connection as a designer has made me a fine detective.  My foresight however puts me in awkwardly social danger sometimes, death by moral, so to speak.  Uncannily I was reunited with Nigel Slater nearly an exact year after by the movie Toast.
去年此時端坐京都開化堂的咖啡沙龍, 悠然午后品茗嗑小食翻書, 當時的我不識Nigel Slater何方神聖, 完全以封面和視覺效果取書, 想著要記下書名而後拋諸腦後.

Monday, June 15, 2020

蜉蝣 Mayfly

年年此時皆外出遠遊探親訪友, 暑休兼暑修; 而今另番業障, 日日讀新聞往往焦慮難安.  Covid黑翼飛舞下, 族羣衝突警民對立, 各黨各派互挖坑讓對方跳… 人性的偏見與盲點深不見底, 頗厭世的躲書堆, 或專看動物頻道和溫暖勵志的酷男異想世界.  
Exhausted from reading news after news of injustice and judgement, all I wanted to do after hours was binge watching Queer Eye or Absurd Planet.  LOVE rules.  NATURE rules.  Home cooking also becomes a ritual of calmness.