Sunday, February 14, 2021

犇年 Matador

Although I am not a cynic, I am skeptical by nature and holiday greetings irk me with superfluous sentimentality.  Converted in year 2020, carpe diem.  Let your family and friends know how much you care.  My fondest Lunar New Year memories were delicious foods my grandma prepared and ink paintings of the zodiac, the art that my grandpa inspired in me.  Happy New Year of the Golden Ox!
虛妄的2020, 多變庚子鼠年疫病瘋魔, 能撐至辛丑牛年, 感慨外是感懷生命種種溫情.  WFH免卻通勤, 日日節省下來寸寸光陰豈可浪費, 無事忙LK農曆春節前兩星期家廚密集實驗, 自製蜜餞菓粿糕點, 居然有模有樣.  天天傳給團隊們共賞, 人人讚美:  LK果然學究精神, 米其林私房菜了這都?!