Sunday, March 7, 2021

勞牢 Rorschach Test_ECOF

My younger self was like a mirror, it reflected the worst of what people instilled in me.  The benefit of aging(WISDOM?) is manifested in the form of an emotion filtration system, repolymerizing negativity into rejuvenation.  My ECOF(still sounds like swearing?) is the weekend homemade dim sum.  The more stressful work is Monday to Friday, the more daunting culinary tasks I take on during the weekend.

'勞'騷還是'牢'騷?  敝人中文每況愈下, 不時張冠李戴, 勞動階級憂心費力, 為五斗米折腰, 如身陷囹䦜, 勞牢通用也; 想深一層, 心鎖永遠自設.