Friday, December 17, 2021

有情亦老 無恨常圓 Amor Omnia Vincit

2021 is coming to an end and instead of trying to cobble together a new year’s resolution, I decided to jump ahead to the bucket list.  After three intricate but thankfully not lethal surgeries this year, checking off the bucket list seems a very sensible thing to do!

2021年度頭條, LK總算圓童年夢想, 出版童書, 意義非凡為紀念恩師S教授希望天上的她, 微笑看著慈善基金會團隊.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

刀焰 My Profound Thankfulness

How would I even began?  Telling the cautionary tale of the deprivation of self love in the wicked and whacked 21st century of capitalist vampiredom?  

I was feeling off for a while but of course, the innate foolishness of prioritizing work, the team… everything else except my own health made me clueless to the silent upheaval inside me.  If not for my BFF, Dr. C’s constant reminder, I might drop DEAD one ordinary morning in the middle of a presentation with the shocking disbelief reflected on my eyes.  Such pathetic martyrdom was OVER.  Between the X-ray and MRI, I smirked when hearing petty issues of how each designer was fussing over the furnishing of our incoming move to a new office.  CHILDREN…

幸好有死黨Dr. C叮嚀否則工作狂LK連身體器官默默起革命還不知不覺… 十月底三醫會診十一月中進手術房快刀斬亂麻麻醉消褪意識半滅半明時耳聞是Dr. C清澈語音: 手術一切順利!  冥冥中, 2021總總自省, 什麼該放手, 什麼要珍惜.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

年華 The Heart of The Wise

“The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of the fools is in the house of mirth.”

----------  Hebrew Bible, Ecclesiastes 7:4

Ta-da, my reading of the month was The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton and as a rebound (don’t ask me why, please) I already embarked on Angela Carter’s The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman for my November read.  Wharton scaffolds the intricate New York high society and depicts the interiority of her characters with a melancholy sensibility.  The protagonist, Lily Bart, is far from likable.  Witnessing her demise, the reader is cornered and suffocated by disillusions in the end.  Edith Wharton too was the product of her society that privileges did not bestow happiness.

初讀Edith Wharton於花樣年華純真年代, 加上Scorsese的經典電影, 她的不回首與他的過門不入, 讓人惆悵.  Wharton寫內心戲真正高手, 十月選讀The House of Mirth 也曾搬上銀幕, Gillian Anderson主演, 可惜當年錯過現下也找不著.  浮華人生, 沒落貴族, 花瓶般的女主角Lily Bart有太多的心機, 極度缺乏勇氣, 隨波逐流凋零絕境, 寫實的凄涼.

Monday, September 27, 2021

姒識 Code Name: Xanadu

My team asked me how was it even possible to read so much between work, family, and all.  Oh well, I spent minimal amount of energy on social media and that is how I save the time to engage in activities that truly matters to me.  Perhaps I was never memetic to begin with.  It is the blessing of being an eccentric, the one who marches to the beat of her own drum.  That being said, I am still struggling with workaholicism, parenthood and sleep deprivation.  When hypocrisy elevated to the realm of art, it is called professionalism :P 

本月書單Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino, The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood, 有時想, 是書選我讀, 不是我選書 十分玄奧, 不知何時養成的習慣, 閱讀總是雙冊並行.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

囚俘 My Prisoner And My Friend

August, an auspicious month commenced with the birthday of my dear brother, my old friend M’s in the middle and followed by mine… a pride of lions and lioness.  Technically I am a Virgo who loves roaring :)  Juggling the parallel universe of return to the office working and my summer course of creative writing, I was invigorated by the odd chemistry.

八月平行宇宙公司全面復工幾星期通勤下來, LK變身企管機器靈魂留給海底兩萬哩… 

Saturday, July 31, 2021

傲慢 Hubris

The Great Resignation is upon us.  Intense last two weeks of July with back to back presentations (in person attendance required) made me wonder, does teamraderie truly require face to face collaboration or the calling for return to office, merely power display of corporate USA? 

七月企業全面復工, 員工抱怨連天兼辭職潮盛.  身為團隊領導上下調解裡外不是人.  敝部門沈寂一年再度風光大賺總裁們和顏悅色慇懃問候幸好還戴口罩沒人得見LK冷笑… 權力的無知傲慢莫過於此.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

閱娛 Do As I say, Not As I Do

June has been… absurdity aplenty.  I think I am going to hang on to the mask or my smirks will be found.  This is a slow death by a thousand cuts.  The redemption?  There will be nothing for me to think of thee fondly.  The antidote to such intellectual and moral atrocity is to surround oneself with nature, delicious food and great books.  

SF解除封鎖, 復工彰顯企業文化, 全員若不到齊聽命, 如何誇耀將帥威風?

Monday, May 31, 2021

相忘 Per Aspera Ad Astra

In literature or in reality, the dichotomy exists.  Have we spent too much time looking up or looking down?  In politics especially, managing up/kissing up is more soul crushing than leading a team.

物慾過盛的年代, 從事本行, 不是沒有罪惡感.  前週公司財經季報出爐, 股勢看好, 執行長召各品牌高層慶功兼信心喊話:  "眾愛將拼啊, 下ㄧ季要更上層樓!"

Sunday, April 25, 2021

韜晦 Revision

Confronting your own mortality makes one reflect what really matters.  I have had the unique opportunity in the past due to medical reasons and thankfully made it back with much gratitude.  This time, the surgeries were literally about 're-vision'.

拖延許久, 終究大動兩場手術, 將眼球推回顱腔… 心情忐忑精神緊張, 雙眸乃靈魂之窗重要性自不消說, 醫學再進步, 全身麻醉手術仍有其危險性, ㄧ旦沈睡, 生命花火半明半滅, 復甦焉知此生或彼岸?

Sunday, March 7, 2021

勞牢 Rorschach Test_ECOF

My younger self was like a mirror, it reflected the worst of what people instilled in me.  The benefit of aging(WISDOM?) is manifested in the form of an emotion filtration system, repolymerizing negativity into rejuvenation.  My ECOF(still sounds like swearing?) is the weekend homemade dim sum.  The more stressful work is Monday to Friday, the more daunting culinary tasks I take on during the weekend.

'勞'騷還是'牢'騷?  敝人中文每況愈下, 不時張冠李戴, 勞動階級憂心費力, 為五斗米折腰, 如身陷囹䦜, 勞牢通用也; 想深一層, 心鎖永遠自設.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

犇年 Matador

Although I am not a cynic, I am skeptical by nature and holiday greetings irk me with superfluous sentimentality.  Converted in year 2020, carpe diem.  Let your family and friends know how much you care.  My fondest Lunar New Year memories were delicious foods my grandma prepared and ink paintings of the zodiac, the art that my grandpa inspired in me.  Happy New Year of the Golden Ox!
虛妄的2020, 多變庚子鼠年疫病瘋魔, 能撐至辛丑牛年, 感慨外是感懷生命種種溫情.  WFH免卻通勤, 日日節省下來寸寸光陰豈可浪費, 無事忙LK農曆春節前兩星期家廚密集實驗, 自製蜜餞菓粿糕點, 居然有模有樣.  天天傳給團隊們共賞, 人人讚美:  LK果然學究精神, 米其林私房菜了這都?! 

Sunday, January 17, 2021

童心 Miss LK's Rhapsody 12th Anniversary

While MarieKondo-ing my home office over the holidays, I discovered a box of letters, notes and postcards from the past. Many dated all the way back to my academic years and gratefully the fellowship remains until this day.  A letter from Professor S resurfaced just in time, a window to her soul inspiring our 'LITTLE' book league.  Am I really that brilliant as in Professor S' praises?  Don't be silly.

整個年假, 圍繞灶爐團團轉, 雖說LK髪長如魔戒中的精靈王或白袍巫師, 嗜好則近似哈比, 愛吃喝愛蝸居愛舒適.  讀WSJ報導研究所老同學的文章, 像中人眼神沈斂風采蒼桑, 與當年俏麗模樣ㄧ時連不上, 不驚自覺, 她若突見今時的我, 大抵有同樣感慨.