Friday, February 19, 2016

猜心術 My Bloody Valentine 2.2016

感恩節, 聖誕節, 新年, 春節, 情人節... 年尾年頭走馬燈, 節氣本是遠古記錄時光的方式, 現下是零售業比拼業績, 十分消費性的行為.  有情人者, 平常日子已夠甜蜜, 毋須特定時候擺出刻意姿態, 無情人者請珍重自由自尊, 不知有數據顯示否, 愛情這玩意傷感痛苦居多, 能如Adele高唱失戀心情引得全球共鳴經濟效益滿滿, 是萬中無一 利人利己的意外 :P

Such… belated… greetings…
Inspired by the impromptu of Yo-Yo Ma and Misty Copeland, I quickly sketched as I read E. E. Cummings.

Monday, February 1, 2016

為誰開, 茶花滿路? Smell The Camellia

This blog post is chronologically… out of order.  The LK clan spent the new year at the lovely Carneros Inn in Napa before I flew solo to Shanghai for work.  Then I wrote about Shanghai while memory was fresh.  Ah, a vacation is a vacation, everyone knows it's not going to last forever but while we are at it, let's stretch out like lazy cats under the sun.
Our suite at the Carneros Inn, Napa.

春雨霏霏, 原本焦枯的庭園滋潤幾天後綠意盎然, 敞開落地窗, 赫然發現後院亭亭玉立一株艷紅山茶花, 我這人, 眼睛都長哪兒去?!  園藝當然一竅不通, 對山茶花的認識來自'天龍八部'段譽被囚曼陀山莊的章節, 金庸妙筆, 十八學士, 風塵三俠, 八仙過海, 眼兒媚… 各杜撰滇茶名種讀著有趣.  可惜這章節凸顯大理段二眾情婦之一王蘿王夫人的偏執乖戾, 想來金庸十分大男人主義, 小說中的女主角除了黃蓉, 全都是男主角的陪襯…