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Saturday, July 30, 2022

香惆 Happenstance

After the month long sojourn in Taipei, I stepped into a scene of GOT returning to work.  Welcome back to the reality or...  surreality!  Power play is at the core of psychology, dominance and submission.  Canines piss, felines hiss… and the homo sapiens?  The contortion between smiling and sneering resulted in the epidemic of hypocrisy.  Never an orator, I reconstruct my reality in the drawing.   

這趟台北行多年來待最久的一次, 也是首度, 略可想像, 若返鄉長居, 未必不可能.

光點: 食物暖心滋味可口, 生活機能便利, 能與親人維持互助聯繫網.  暗面: 地狹人稠, 思域內捲... 於隔離旅館頭三天, 一開啟電視, 排山倒海公眾人物八卦, 保健醫美廣告; 小確幸鉅細靡遺, 大遠景缺乏接軌國際, 到期滿離開未曾有興再開啟.

Strolling around old Taipei,  I reveled in nostalgic aroma, Baroque ornamental architecture and celebratory colors.  

懷舊, 大稻程迪化街走遍巷陌.  年貨大街仲夏先逛, 時空錯亂超現實.  從小LK就愛米製糕點, 濃稠紮實如碗粿紅龜, 紛粉飄渺若綠豆糕桂花糕, 無不歡喜.  讀了新進作家洪愛珠的散文集, 字句繁星, 心戚閃爍.

The century old confectioner welcomed its prodigal daughter with the ethereal jade cake made with rice meal and red bean paste.  

老式糕餅店待客猶有舊時代人情味, 一盞茶, 兩塊糕, 綿長午后, 說不盡的鄉思.

One could also find authentic Japanese Monaka in old Taipei.   

Another centennial merchant, the WangTea revived its artistry as a contemporary tea parlor.   

文創處處, 千篇一律的圖象文案自視, 有時不免濫情.  茶道咖啡道極致化, 成為市場顯學.  老飯店第二代古舊翻潮新.

The LK gang frequented the artisanal Simple Kaffa.  

品茗品酒品咖啡, 嗅覺精神意譯, 多少形而上.  我更愛臺式刨冰的實際, 芋圓粉圓口感層次豐富, 蜜紅豆煉奶澆料, 糖的物理和化學並肩提昇, 夏點諾貝爾桂冠!

My remedy for the summer heat?  The shaved ice with abundant toppings takes the cake!  It was a symphony of complex textures and the expression of the depth of sugar. 

The COVID lockdown fostered inland economy and the renaissance of Taiwanese cuisine.  Spunky Art Deco meets T pop. 

日本文化於臺灣潛移默化, 著名餐廳原封移植, 日籍料理長多半會說簡單中文, 善用寶島繽鮮物產, 交織幅幅色系渾厚, 味蕾的拼布被. 

I was less surprised dining in the Taipei branch of the renown restaurants like Kitcho and Ukai.  Both were impeccable regardless.

LK口味天南地北, 難忘的往往與價錢無關, 卻緊扣童年回憶... 白斬放山雞, 滷豬腳, 炒鱔糊, 涼筍, 荔枝, 脾胃的歸宿.

In the end, I am a simple person who delights in simple pleasures.

邊走邊畫行旅記憶, 或許繼童書後, LK該結集出繪本: 文青阿桑時空膠囊 :) 

How many of the spots listed above… could you identify in my travelogue?


Echomiao said...

也許一個城市的亮點在於觀察者的慧眼 敏銳度和對事物的好奇 欣喜的從你的圖文裡對久違的台北又看到了一種新的風貌 那碗蜜豆冰真讓人懷念!

Miss LK said...

本週臺海局勢實在令人擔憂 深切盼望寶島別淪為強權博弈及各方極端民粹主義下的犧牲品

不談政治 臺灣物產豐饒 菜餚八方美味 民間創作力興盛 街頭巷尾常有出乎意料的小驚喜 不過 我畢竟是遊子兼旅客的觀賞角度 另類的瑰色視鏡 若真的長期回鄉工作和生活 日日人擠人揮汗如雨 貧富兩極化壓縮中產階級 保不定LK立成灰色憤怒中年…

臺式佳餚讓人魂牽夢縈啊 除了好料滿滿的蜜豆冰 我還大啖涼QQ鹼粽 甜不辣 粉粿 米苔目 豬血糕 各式滷味… 在臺北不足一月快速增肥七磅 回來後馬不停蹄開會 兩星期內已瘦回原狀(可見誘惑少太多…)

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