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Saturday, January 15, 2022

嬝裊 Auld Lang Syne

Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?  Don’t be silly.  Old ghosts haunted me left and right from the parting curse of my ex to a miniature Rolleiflex that I spent a fortune on that only made itself useful a handful of times… Dear reader, allow me to reacquaint you with treasures from the past, a retro calendar I designed for the previous brand I served and my bronze leaf tray ‘By The Lotus Pond’.  If you’re compelled to collect the latter, please visit my Etsy boutique :) 

搬回灣區近十年, 家中冗物無上限增加, 2022任務便是去蕪存菁own less, live more.   舊物重見天日, 不免也嘆, LK品味數十年如一, 心頭好始終經典, 古樸, 侘寂; 想想個人風格是如何養成的, 靈魂若參天老樹, 靜謐發芽, 總算活到表裏如一的年紀.

A sense of ritual means a lot to me and therefore, I started 2022 with a smudge cleanse and drinking a bowl of timelessness.  The guests at my table came from different eras and all corners of the world(including my imagination) yet together, they played like old friends.   

喜歡生活的儀式感, 除舊佈新, 循四季節氣喝茶吃飯銅製荷葉盞多年前與曼谷工匠合作的設計, 烏木盤和茶杓購自東京, 與清邁瓷廠開發的香料陶碗... 時空迥殊, 同桌卻默契十足, 彷彿前世冤家, 今生再結緣.

I finally unearthed the Philips Pasta Maker and worked on my gluten-free recipes.  The chemistry between almond meal, tapioca flour and eggs was alluring.  Freshly homemade penne became a versatile comfort food!

近年已戒除買廚具的陋習, 找出數年前入櫃的Philips Pasta Maker決心物盡其用, 原來做無麥麩麵條亦不算太差, 缺點為成品亦散, 快煮瀝乾較能保鮮義大利筆管百搭, 拌紅醬鮮蔬, 一匙EVOO, 撒藍菌乳酪, 暖心餐即成.

Black sesame fettuccine pairing scallion chicken gave the classic pasta an asian twist.

天寒嗜黑芝麻馥香, 加把勁自製芝麻麵, 襯手撕雞絲, 幾滴香醋辣油, 清雅爽口.

My gluten-free baking repertoire has been fruitful.  Slowly I managed to bake decent cakes and quick breads.  The puff pastry however is the Mount Everest, impossible to mount… the union of wheat flour and butter that is just irreplaceable.  No matter, I tried immortalize the good old days in the olfactory realm.

低麥麩飲食數年已漸漸習慣, 唯一仍念念不忘是酥皮製的各類點心, 無麥麩實在是烤不出外焦脆內鬆軟如牛角麵包, 只好將麵糰冷藏發酵久ㄧ些兼灑滿芝麻, 剛出爐那刻閉著眼睛大口咬下, 頗具幾分回憶中的香氣, LK先生大大不屑: 有這麼銷魂?!

Reimagine the traditional aspic or kholodet with bone broth and vegetable puree.  I chilled it in yogurt jars and the serving portion, quite a time saver!

工作室全面復工大半年, 忙得不可開交, 家廚自得開發省時新食譜, 突然記起懷舊的冷菜肉凍, 做成雙色雙層, 滿滿膠原蛋白, 是否算美容佳餚?

The long wait for my birthday present was over and adorable Flopsy arrived home, just in time for the New Year’s Tea :) 

LK說嘴打嘴, 文初信誓旦旦不再多添雜物... 這隻小紅帽兔子是怎麼回事去年生日向俄羅斯藝術家訂的古典手工毛兔, 新年前才姍姍到埠, 不枉等待多時, 栩栩如生可愛極了:)  無獨有偶, 幾天前與Dr. C於新派日式料理Nisei聚餐, 補祝她月初生日談及玩偶收藏, 果然不是一家人, 不進一家門, Dr. C財力豐厚, 對心頭好出手之闊綽, LK望其項背兩位童心未泯的死黨多了共同的新煩惱: 遺囑千萬得寫清楚, 否則百年後, 咱倆傻呼呼的兒子們將母親的夢幻絕版娃娃低價賤賣... 

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