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Saturday, February 12, 2022


And which part of it do you not understand?!  The older I get, the less patience I have for people who just refuse to listen.  Friday afternoon after an empowering weekly TB with my team when I was feeling positive(and grateful) to end a grueling week of meeting marathons, I received an infuriating WeChat from an old business partner haggling over opportunities to gossip about some sordid shenanigans.  After a chain of meaningless exchanges, I decided to bid adieu to such burned out ‘friendship’.  I don’t draw these fierce tiger and tigress for the Lunar New Year for no good reasons :P  

送牛迎虎, 也搬至新辦公室臨窗遠眺海灣大橋, 背對紅磚和書架, 隔著玻璃牆盯著團隊, 拂肘當我的南面王.LK這類權力慾極低的物種皆有此念想, 難怪真正位高權重者, 誰願下放今年無暇廚房耍寶創新年菜, 倒是提筆畫就兩頭墨虎臥虎莊嚴溫馴, 雪虎威猛森然, 左顧右盼甚得意, 後製賀卡, 祝眾親友虎虎生風, 吉祥如意!

Without the time saver of WFH, no more elaborate culinary exploration in my humble kitchen this lunar new year.  However, simple plating could do magic with delicacies bought from local bakeries.  LNY is all about auspiciousness and therefore, dried persimmons and pineapple cakes graced my tablescape not only for their vibrant colors but for the symbolism, too.

擺幾盤茶點應景, , 無花果酒釀黑巧克力, 旺來金酥... 清簡淡雅, 算另類年節有餘這已是第二個寒假沒出門旅遊, 悶無端搬回香港的N傳來義大利渡假兼工作的影片, 鄉間別墅背山面海, 艷陽醺煦, 微風徐息, 她嘆來年夏天該全待在義大利, 我說親愛的你民宿乾脆包整棟, LK拋夫棄子去找你!

COVID makes us all home chefs.  One of my lovely designers K baked croissants from scratch to make up for the sorrow not able to visit Paris as planned.  I rolled the futomaki of abundance, remembering the good old days of trotting the streets of Tokyo and Kyoto.  

COVID, LK一家三口愛赴東京和京都, 無它, 旬食合味, 亦喜器皿質感氛圍想想多年來收藏豐厚, 擺盤起來比心頭所好幾處食膳茶屋並不遜色技藝自然難比, 然熟能生巧, 練著練著漸入佳境, 如壽司卷, 突覺真是午餐便當首選, 豐儉由人, 現有青蔬鮮料, 隨手拈來變化無窮

Curiouser and curiouser.  My menu seems to be color coordinated…

LK非健康狂人, 大抵有些職業病, 飲食頗受視覺影響, 某週末記錄個人無麥麩餐譜, 竟然蛋白質纖維甜點全上榜, 奇怪的平衡外配色百分百, 潛移默化不可小看

My mind wandered as I sieved grains of white rice with my fingers and decided to give gluten-free choux a go.  It was a SUCCESS!!!  I cooked the rice batter with avocado oil and coconut cream like a roux and chilled it before mixing in the eggs.  Fresh from the oven, it had a decent rise with crispy shell and ‘buttery’ interior. 

與美麗格友Echo春酒餐敘, 照例天南地北聊至午后, 欲罷不能年紀愈長愈難結交說得上話的朋友, 或許深覺去日苦多, 何必虛以委蛇, 耗費時間於缺乏正面能量的往來.  Echo水彩筆觸優雅, 選材亦具獨到眼光, 遠有龐然巨鯨, 近則後院山茶與品味生活小確幸, 我喜歡這樣溫柔善良的分享尤其外面的世界暴唳橫生, 我們皆曾經歷生命跌宕, 從不是溫室花朵.

A neutral taste choux is the perfect base for light snacks sweet or savory.  Duck confit with sliced cucumber for the afternoon tea.

二月初是遠方老友S生日, 蒙他青睞願收藏LK作品, 郵遞大神庇佑, 生日禮物竟飄洋過海不偏不倚於S生日當天到埠, 再次驚喜:





For the second batch, I added shredded coconut and coined my creation ‘choux-caroon’.  The shredded coconut added a delightful crunch to the bite but then the piping inevitably lost a bit of the definition.

誤打誤撞迷上GBM第十一和第十二季的帥哥主廚Tommy Banks, 電視前眉花眼笑紅心齊射, 驚覺自己品味從成熟俊男衍變為乖兒子型貨真價實小鮮肉, 歲月腐化人性又一力證.  LK先生酸葡萄潑太座冷水: “這些都是假象, 過不久就有新聞爆料, 誰誰誰又是渣男...”. 遞給LK先生太座御筆雪山墨虎, 令他高懸辦公室, 橫批家有惡妻, 閒女勿近’.

Filling these heavenly tidbits with homemade banana lemon cream… UMMM, who needs gossips when you have ‘choux-caroons’?!  My motto for 2022 is… BE PRODUCTIVE!

額外收穫乃LK觸類旁通, 研究出無麥麩泡芙, 作法與半熟麵漿roux有異曲同工之妙烤出爐外酥內鬆軟, 填鴨絲和青瓜片, ㄧ盤午茶三明治即成; 將新鮮香蕉搗泥混椰奶低溫慢煮成稠, 可填泡芙空心或花式造型, Dr. C謂將來我倆遷居巴黎, 她要投資敝人點心坊, 可見LK雖無嫁錯郎, 卻絕對入錯行 :)

My sun-drenched, toasty office...


Echomiao said...

近來瀏覽Miss LK 的格文 除了文字一如既往的練達豐美 照片拍攝組合更加讓人驚艷 彷彿是在翻看高檔生活風格產品的精美目錄 職業病能體現在平日居家生活 實為用心過日子的人

兩年疫情的閉鎖 老朋友還能抽空一起聚餐天南地北的閒聊是我十分期待和享受的 尤其是Miss LK 是個一直不停學習挑戰自己的人也激發我常想怠惰的心


Miss LK said...

正是胡蘿蔔 FB看到蘿蔔乾的作法 沒耐性晾曬 切一切入味當沙拉吃

時間花在哪收獲就在哪 過去多年我凡事以公務為重 除外突覺自己貧乏的不得了 生命苦短 想想壽終正寢那日 我絕記不住曾身任某某企業高層 但一定會後悔沒細賞春花秋月世界之美 沒多抱抱丈夫兒子告訴他們我此生鍾愛 更會遺憾摯友需求援手時 我無暇與她齊肩支持…

起而行 為時不晚 天字第一號無事忙LK 想到啥便提筆(或拿刀拎鏟子😁)創作兼實驗 下班後克制自己不參與公務 我真的沒那麼重要 公司少了我不會倒… 也回復與死黨Dr.C每月聚餐嚐好料 期待下回Echo茶敘分享畫作和Benny玩耍!

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