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Monday, February 21, 2011

香港印象 Hong Kong Express

農曆年回台北前繞道香港… N次的舊地重遊, 東方之珠可書寫的題材甚多, 可惜近日處於內省模式, 書讀個不停卻沒有抒發的慾望, 休息ㄧ下讓圖片記錄三天兩夜的小旅行吧!
Not sure why but the expressionist in me has taken the back seat lately… I crave for reading non-stop(what a nerdy addiction?!) and my usual passion for writing burrows deep, feeding on the juice of knowledge, dreaming to sing my cicada song perhaps when the summer comes? : )
A quiet corner at the Caprice overlooking the Victoria Harbor.

Friday, February 11, 2011

愜意的午后 An Afternoon in Taipei

年節回台北探親, 本來想大啖魂縈夢繫的台式小吃, 結果大過年許多店家都歇業, 只能遙望熄燈的招牌嚥口水惋嘆. 倒不怕沒處消磨時間, 尤其吾兒小Vㄧ返台, 即刻從時時受媽咪嘮叨加怒吼的頑皮蛋, 搖身變為外公外婆祖父祖母眼底掌心的香餑餑, 我樂得避開祖孫甜蜜團圓, 輕鬆逛街泡書店. 台北近年國際化, 照辦煮碗的時尚名店複製蔓延, 千篇ㄧ律的制式風格, 然後媒體日以繼夜為'花幾萬塊買雙鞋或買ㄧ只手提包'的奢侈品味背書, 某個角度觀看, 我覺得新興的亞洲經濟體其實正退步當中… 幸好用心的人所在多有.
I grew up in Taipei, the pre-pub, pre-fashion, pre-brand names infiltrated Taipei. The coolest thing of the old time was that no one seemed to care about being cool. Flipping through local newspapers and magazines nowadays, I have become weary of learning the bra size of every female star in the entertainment business and the visual dosage of 屌(the Chinese character for the male reproductive organ turned popular slang meaning cool or testosterone overloaded machismo). My homeland has long outgrown my homesickness.

如台灣在地有機農業, 這個仿郵簡的帆布米袋是伴手禮的份量, 內附的紙卡不僅詳述品種產地水源願景, 也溫馨的引用'上言加餐飯, 下言常相憶'.
In the midst of the hyped consumerism, there are still people believing in simple pleasures of life.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

非典型回憶錄 Somewhere In Time(London)

Like looking into the Pensieve, these old sketches transported me to the lovely May in London 2009.
A wall of the Laduree tea salon at the annex of Harrods.

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