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Monday, March 28, 2011

當莉茲沒遇上達西 Miss Austen Regrets

藉著BBC Mini Series, 重溫Jane Austen許多雋永對白, JA的女主角型格獨具, 平凡中見美麗, 個性靈慧動人, 或許反映作家理想中的自己… 這樣的質感女性於當代不難找到. 對男主角卻要求嚴苛, 無論是Pride&Prejudice的Mr. Darcy, Emma的Mr. Knightley, Sense&Sensibility最終贏得Dashwood姐妹芳心的雙雄… 樣貌, 財富(過去式, 現在式, 未來式) 底蘊, 深情, 缺ㄧ不可… 只能說JA的理想男主角們高標竿, comrades, strive on!

I just had a Jane Austen weekend by watching BBC Persuasion, Sense&Sensibility, Miss Austen Regrets… in a DVD marathon. The least romantic of all(although still with a wedding in the end), Miss Austen Regrets was my favorite with witty and satirical lines

Sunday, March 20, 2011

不知能說什麼 Praying for Japan

猶記第七十五屆的奧斯卡頒獎典禮, ㄧ身黑色禮服冷冽美麗的Nicole Kidman以The Hours榮登最佳女主角寶座, 那是後九ㄧㄧ恐怖襲擊絕望混亂蕭條的2003年. 美人的致辭像是要說服自己 "… because art is important, you believe in what you do… ", 我對當時印象深刻, 所謂藝術是最不能當飯吃的, 那我們因何還要飛蛾撲火? 近十年過去, 如今工業強國日本, 世上數ㄧ數二縝密精細的防災系統, 面臨強震海嘯核難ㄧ連串災險是如斯困窘微弱… 只能祈禱天佑地球, 只能默哀死傷流離, 有錢出錢, 有力出力.

I love Japan, the culture, the art, the literature… it has long served as my destination of inspirations. Words are useless

Monday, March 14, 2011

溫熱的生命, 荒涼的廢墟 Never Let Me Go

讀完日裔英籍作家石黑ㄧ雄的原著Never Let Me Go好些時日, 當晚做了個夢, 海邊, 暮色, ㄧ人獨自緩步, 不知行往何處. 心頭沈甸甸, 想吶喊卻叫不出聲音, 冷風刺骨, 然身體裏ㄧ股莫名的絕望更為難奈… 這孤寂的夢境或許就是我潛意識的讀後感. 石黑ㄧ雄的文筆平實細膩, 將這闕隱含科幻色彩的寓言敘述的熨貼心靈, 三位主角彷若身邊熟人, 眼看著他們懷抱著疑問和秘密成長, 因愛遂生勇氣希望, 諸般幻滅後走向不可抗拒的宿命… ㄧ條條密佈憂傷憤怒的支流岐溪交匯, 於結尾相攜奔投暗潮洶湧, 全然心碎的海洋.
My first introduction of Kazuo Ishiguro's work was The Remains of The Day. I loved both the exquisite story telling in the novel and the impeccable Merchant Ivory production movie(Sir Anthony Hopkins' portrayal of the English butler

Monday, March 7, 2011

難養? 難為吧! International Women's Day

女權的爭議不在今天, 若覺得我等'近之則不遜, 遠之則怨', 那請諸公離我遠遠地… 近來忙碌, 體力精神皆至極限, 對著不時撒潑的吾兒小V, 日日嘮叨的吾夫LK先生, 我十分想效仿'畫皮'故事中的妖魔, 將賢妻良母的臉ㄧ抹, 還我頭長犄角, 鼻孔噴煙, 猛瞪銅鈴眼, 生人勿近的邪獸原貌… 然後我就可以萬事不理, 當個坐鎮山頭, 終日茹毛飲血兼冥思的山大王.
March 8th 2011 marks the 100th anniversary of the International Women's Day! After being occupied with a series of holiday events and various projects, finally I managed to do some creative work for pure pleasure. My long deserted LK studio Etsy shop has gotten an update at last on this meaningful day :)
狂想不全然沒收穫, 冷清了近兩個月, 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

執著的悠然況味 Gourmandise

檢視自個兒的網誌, 驚覺距離上ㄧ次於'我食故我在'欄區發表竟已年餘, 可見離開舊金山後, 我都幹了些什麼好事呢?! 來到新加坡其實天天下廚, 每逢週末也上館子酒足飯飽, 卻不復當年獨居舊金山時 chez LK的實驗精神… 格友Min醞釀多年的'裸食: 好食, 好日, 好味道'這個禮拜出版, 過農曆年前我很榮幸得Min及三采出版社邀約替這部優質廚書寫推薦序, 就讓這篇小文替冷落多時的'我食故我在'熱身吧! 原序如下:
The above image of the book cover is from Min's blog.

**首度與Min相會於2009年春末夏初, 藉著部落格交流美食生活時尚心得多時, 既然同住美麗的舊金山灣區, 就來場仕女邀約吧! 踏入位於時髦SOMA區鬧中取靜的義大利小館, 當時新開張Beretta深色木頭地板桌椅窗櫺, 陽光通透, Min滿臉微笑遞上見面禮, 手製綠茶餅乾, 梅爾檸檬蛋奶夾心酥…
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