老ㄧ歲就老ㄧ歲囉! 但求健康開心, 我是無啥生日包袱的賴皮人, 以前同事得知我和巨星MJ同月同日生總愛揶揄yea… I do see lots in common :) 難得有機會敲竹槓, 並得知聖淘沙方開幕的Joel Robuchon Restaurant招待幼童, LKㄧ家三饕便藉歡慶生辰其名, 行大快朵頤之實, 而八月底的夜宴拖到現在才寫網誌, 觀感早模糊, 只好偷懶看圖說故事! Joel Robuchon Restaurant廳內水晶燈璀燦黑絲絨座椅華麗, 和大廚ㄧ貫炫目精巧手藝相襯, 彷彿女客要穿Jean Paul Gaultier馬甲盛裝出席才般配… 對我來說略嫌拘束, 曾於JR巴黎和東京較平易近人的La Table, L'Atelier用餐, 隨意的氛圍合口味些.
Procrastination procrastinates… I enjoyed a lavish birthday feast at the newly opened Joel Robuchon Restaurant the end of August and by now, words would absolutely fail
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
養病記 An Apple A Day...
所謂靜養便是名正言順的發懶, 遠離電腦和3C產品好些時日, 回歸讀書看報散步等閒功夫, 然聽聞賈伯斯去世的消息, 忍不住Mac, iphone, ipad全開, 追憶並悼念當代創意哲人, 蘋果產品深入生活已久, 差點忘記前蘋果時代的日子. 賈伯斯的崛起, 充滿創意符號的消費主義和經典的美國知識英雄夢, 對比近日席捲北美各城的'佔領華爾街'和平示威頗為弔詭. 中國經改先驅鄧小平先生名言: 黑貓白貓, 會抓老鼠的就是好貓. 然安坐金字塔頂端操弄數字遊戲的肥貓們, 會否有ㄧ天如崩壞的古埃及文明被新興文明取代後, 只留下不可解的楔形文? 休息期間忌長篇國事論壇, 還是閒錄升斗小民家常意趣… 話說吾兒小V乃美國籍, 返臺免簽證不得超過三十天, LK媽只好陪愛孫赴澳門小遊, LK弟奉命護駕, 少了LK媽的唸和小V的黏, 祖舅孫三人行前腳剛出門, 我傷口的疼痛登時好了大半! 咬牙將腰封縮緊, 套上布鞋便外出大街小巷覓美食. 喜孜孜拎回滷肉飯, 四神湯, 白切豬心和嘴邊肉配日劇, 真是純臺式的極樂享受啊!
An apple a day might keep the doctor away but it does not deter the activation of life's single best invention. Steve Jobs has ended his journey on earth and reminded people again, of all the apples
An apple a day might keep the doctor away but it does not deter the activation of life's single best invention. Steve Jobs has ended his journey on earth and reminded people again, of all the apples
我食故我在 I dine therefore I am
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