2013 is coming to an
end with the final farewell to my beloved grandma. In the midst of consuming grief, I am
reminded by my favorite character from Harry Potter, Professor Dumbledore:
can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the
向來欣賞格友V文筆影像, 讀她網誌Measurement會心微笑, 緣起緣滅自有定數, 我也是個不執著的人. 有心有緣, 人生往往何處不相逢.
My first christmas present this year, an Alex And Ani phoenix wrap. Thank you, Dr. C!
十月底在香港和大學同學A相聚, A剛卸任某知名品牌設計總監, 品牌復古東方揉合現代歐風洋溢奢華. 老朋友高䠷白皙如昔, 歲月未曾留下痕跡, 倒是舉手投足多了幾分所屬名牌的精緻嫵媚. A侃侃而談多年高低起伏, 爽朗一如學生時代的她, 然風光亮麗的背後我聽得出她吃了不少苦頭, 聊至夜深我們舉杯互祝下個十年平安如意!
Light does come from many sources: loving family, heart warming friendship, wonderful art and great books.