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Friday, December 26, 2014

忽忽這年 Baby, It's Cold Outside

When I heard Taylor Swift's version of Last Christmas on the radio, I knew I am officially old(where is George Michael?).  Last Christmas we were feasting in the exquisitely beautiful Kyoto and less than ten blog posts after, we reached the end of 2014 already, sigh!  I summarized the year's learnings in my usual off beat greeting card:
猶記去年聖誕夜於初雪京都喫鰻魚飯, 怎麼愰眼2014已至歲末?!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

蹺家記 The Escapist in Me

歲末聚會多, 萬聖節感恩節接踵而至, 勞動階級要俗務擺兩旁放假出國不易.  然舊金山灣依山傍水, 當旅行癮發作還是可駕愛駒馳騁, 就近求解藥:
Local Trip 1.
Thelma&Louise(Cavallo Point) - This photo is from

T&L故事頗富爭議性, 深具女性主義色彩, 年代久遠記不得自己到底有沒有欣賞過這部電影, 即使有, 當時太年少, 無法明瞭於生命蒼涼的控訴.  不過有心人都記得兩位演技精湛的美艷女主角Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis和萬人迷Brad Pitt初登大銀幕演個小混混的痞樣. 

Friday, October 31, 2014

有約東京 Meet Me in Tokyo


Feeling lucky to be able to stop by Tokyo for some design inspiration before the official work trip started thanks to my understanding boss and my in-laws helping out.  On his way back from Singapore to the Bay Area, on my way to South East Asia from San Francisco, Mr. LK and I met in Tokyo for dinner and coffee.
此趟初秋環亞大出差前決定給自己ㄧ趟小小靈感之旅: 過境東京三天!  剛好LK先生自新加坡公務結束回程暫停日本, 也多得公婆不久前來美國幫忙照顧小V, 夫妻倆能夠於異地約會, LK先生還替我先扛回大包小包的戰利品 :)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

怎能不讓我咖啡色的眼睛染上憂鬱的藍 Happy in Singapore

Happy in WHERE… the city-state that has long been criticized as bland?!  For a short tropical vacation, I loved it!  I missed the serenity of Capella and Cassia's dim sum brunch.
一片昇平的南國, 一派樂天的華洋雜處, 日新月異的星加坡… 舊地重遊說不出眷戀還是懷念.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

嘆息橋 I Will Cross That Bridge when I Come to It

八月是生日月, 忙忙碌碌又過ㄧ年長ㄧ歲.  不是沒停下腳步思考人生意義, 而是往往來不及感嘆便讓生活排山倒海而來的考驗淹沒… 口頭禪:  船到橋頭自然直, 直不了便橫著過吧?  賭氣得來理直氣壯, 十足草根韌性兼升斗小民, 雖然內心深處亦有舊時浪漫… 等孩子大些放下俗務再修個學位:  Crossing  the Bridge of Sighs in Cambridge - 那是徐志摩再別康橋的情懷, 十年前的我揮揮衣袖間滿滿自戀, 如今, 嗯... 但覺肉麻難耐 :P
The long mild summer winding down with the birthday dinner at Ame in St. Regis San Francisco

Monday, July 28, 2014

私人放映室 In-flight Cinema

前陣子回新加坡渡假, 舊地重遊感觸良多, 待日後慢慢寫來.  長途旅行於耐性和體力皆是莫大考驗, 若說有任何附加值, 便是可名正言順當十幾個小時的沙發馬鈴薯: 累了倒頭睡, 餓了按鈕喚空姐備食.  失眠和看電影像手牽手吵嘴接吻的小情人… 極損精神健康, 然墮落的愛誰能抗拒?  此趟來回觀賞了六部電影:

Returned from a vacation in Singapore a while ago, I will definitely write about my tropical revelations later.  Before I forget, I want to jot down a few notes about my in-flight cinemarathon(and the accompanying meals on board), quite the saving grace!  My eastbound journey started with The Secret Life of Walter Mitty(rather fitting :).  Not sure if all the elements worked with the pensive daydreamer's daydreams, the self-help romantic crush, and a miraculous discovery of negative no. 25 but I found Kristen Wiig singing Space Oddity irresistible and the song kind of summed all up.
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty雖然超現實場景貫穿全片,

Sunday, June 22, 2014

情迷新德里 Out of India 1.0

這兩年公差印度已比回臺北頻繁, 五月商旅重頭戲是出席公司國際營運新德里分部開幕酒會, 重現東印度洋行風采.  也許於飛行途中皆觀賞了American Hustle, 各同僚紛紛穿起復古婀娜shirt dress, 掛著長串吊墜耳環, 寶萊塢式派對上搖曳生姿…  算是密集高壓會議前的自娛娛人.
Photo on the left was a portrait on the wall of The Rose Hotel.  On the right was the 'reading nook' in my hotel room at The Leela Palace.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

燦爛五月天 Miss LK's Rhapsody 6th Anniversary

與其説忙, 不若直認缺乏自律, 文思的培養能賴人嗎? 生活不可不謂充實, 但絶對不夠明澈.  欣賞了幅美景, 讀了篇好文章, 倒也不知趕著什麼? 總沒能靜下心讓自己感受便要move on.
What do people do in lovely May Day?  The LK clan visited the Sea World and LEGO Land over the Memorial long weekend. Surprisingly I was just as mesmerized by the majestic animals and entranced by intricate building blocks.  We then wrapped up the journey at the Grand del Mar with healing SPA, Mediterranean fare at Amaya,

Sunday, April 13, 2014

鍋裏有隻雞 Poulet Au The

An old sketch I did at L'Arpege Paris in 2011 - fresh radish as the table setting!  When was the last time I actually write or draw for fun?  Perhaps this book by Brigid Schulte, Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time could point me to the right direction.
那天接小V下課懶燒飯, 帶他上館子吃冰淇淋兼逛書店, 巧遇Brigid Schulte新書發表會 - "Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time" ,可不正點出了職業女性難處?

Saturday, March 8, 2014

古都風情 Once Upon a Time in Kyoto

常去東京, 重遊京都卻是多年來首度, 對千年繁華的印象停留在上世紀末的初夏:清水寺碧意森森的竹林和宇治金時淡苦回甘, 我和好友D白恤衫白布鞋汗流浹背踏遍往山門的石階, 年輕的惶恐, 又是那麼氣盛的雄心, 等不及要看這世界...

冷!  出了京都車站趕緊圍上毛帽毛耳罩, 古都獨有的沈斂莊重, 自然而然讓人放緩腳步, 靜謐品味湛藍的天, 徐徐龍吟的清風, 冬陽金光遍撒的壯麗, 或者, 自己的存在.  一期一會, 多年前青春正盛時我造訪你, 而今偕夫擕子, 你可還認得?
While reading the latest short story collection by Karen Russell, 'Vampires in The Lemon Grove',  I came across a thought provoking line:  Regret is a pilgrimage back to the place where I was free to choose.

Friday, February 7, 2014

世間所有的相遇 Own Less, Live More

This old watercolor sketch of mine pairs nicely with the Year of Horse.  Happy Lunar New Year!
聖誕節與寒假結束, 收心上班上學, 一月底二月初正是百廢待舉最忙碌的時刻, 過起農曆新年便有些手足無措, 想想無論如何總要替孩子立個傳統, 就包餃子吧!以Vitamix將豬絞肉白菜茴香海鹽壺底油拌得綿密, LK先生和我的水餃皮偷懶用興隆坊現成的, 然小V對麥敏感, 只好卯起桿一份gluten free麵團.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

也是鄉愁 Taipei Revisted

There was an article from CNN Travel this week '10 things Taiwan does better than anywhere else'.  Nearly half of the topics were food related.  I could not have agreed more.  The Taiwanese food scene has pizzazz or 'bozazz' :)  After the jet lag torment, I finally bounced back higher and greater making these delicious sweet yam gnocchi in ginger soup - a Taiwanese favorite for combating cold weather.
往年回台北, 東區娘家天母婆家平均分配, 憂慮順得哥情失嫂意, 每每硬撐著'長男媳婦'的溫婉笑容, 心頭孿生的荒野大鏢客早神槍出鞘,望天狂嘯兼空鳴'碰, 碰,碰'三聲!
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