I admit, the only number I am interested in the entire Winter Olympic is figure skating, especially the men's program. Such display of agility and muscular beauty, who wouldn't be? After all, it's Valentine so why can't I shoot hearts to the screen?! As fate would have it, recently I have had several opportunities examining matters of the heart, everyone else's except my own.
Vide cor meum?
Vide cor tuum?
In the loveless modern era, having a heart is agonizing luxury. I heart embosser, ruler, paper weight, protractor… any tool for a writing desk or the drafting table. Is it any wonder I am a designer?
女性主義先驅魅惑狂野的Lilith, 和從亞當肋骨變出來的溫馴後妻夏娃截然不同, 但兩者某程度都背叛曾經是她們的男人, 這…