自我辯護缺乏學習價值, 不如認栽, 從錯誤檢討. 有好陣子忙似汗馬, 呆若木雞, 深覺超然, 工作歸工作, 生活還生活, 政治絕緣… 結果仍是逃避. 靈性的自己漸行漸遠, 實在懷念柔情洶湧千思萬緒的她. 現下的我, 理智如電腦, 唯一的糾結是為什麼無感糾結, 是否已失去屬於人類的情感?
The Blue Bottle craze at Minamiaoyama, Tokyo.
I was half way there, a certified arse… dismal prospect coming out from the assessment. What made me so angry, cynical, and disillusioned? Have I gazed long into the abyss and now it's becoming a part of me?!