明明老了不認老, 頻頻提當年勇, 或從頭到腳堆砌學生時代負擔不起, 今時今日也未必適合自己等等時尚名牌, 大抵是中年危機最表層症狀; 再深入, 便是條條大哉問… 近來吾兒青春期發酵, 一窩子misfits摔門互吼, 突覺前陣子職場種種不過小巫見大巫. 不是完全無理解善意, 頂頭上司從書架找出本Raising Boys塞給我, 前兩日春分, 團隊彩印我喜歡的Botticelli名畫春天, 悄悄懸掛於辦工室正牆逗我會心微笑 :)
With a Teenage Rex in the house, our household of midlife crisis vs. adolescence has raised stress to the level of art. The modern art of chaos, parody… all crumble into a farce. I needed much self helps in the form of writing and reminiscing our winter retreat in Tokyo. Sizzling crabs on crackling charcoal and sake fused snapper stew. I told you, I am taking the 'comfort' of comfort food very literally.
於東京過新曆年未曾書寫, 近幾年頻赴東京, 熟悉有份安寧, 是老朋友的默契老情人的窩心.