Far, far away in the galaxy the black hole exists... my once sweet little boy has also gone into the adolescence black ‘whole’ and I cannot wait for him to emerge from the other end. I might have signed up for more than I could fulfill, the event horizon is cluttering up. I was writing this post while traveling in Ho Chi Minh City, Phnom Penh, Shenzhen and New Delhi for work, my mind continued to dwell in Tokyo where the LK clan spent our winter vacation, warping of space-time.
Le Chocolat Alain Ducasse at Nihonbashi.
小V正值難搞青春期, 我應老朋友M邀約加入慈善基金會董事, 工作則依然忙得不可開交… 想想自己是否過份貪心, 好好扮演一個角色已不易, 怎能三頭六臂面面俱到?