While MarieKondo-ing my home office over the holidays, I discovered a box of letters, notes and postcards from the past. Many dated all the way back to my academic years and gratefully the fellowship remains until this day. A letter from Professor S resurfaced just in time, a window to her soul inspiring our 'LITTLE' book league. Am I really that brilliant as in Professor S' praises? Don't be silly.
整個年假, 圍繞灶爐團團轉, 雖說LK髪長如魔戒中的精靈王或白袍巫師, 嗜好則近似哈比, 愛吃喝愛蝸居愛舒適. 讀WSJ報導研究所老同學的文章, 像中人眼神沈斂風采蒼桑, 與當年俏麗模樣ㄧ時連不上, 不驚自覺, 她若突見今時的我, 大抵有同樣感慨.