Growing up, my love for Shanghai was vicarious, through the impeccable story telling of my favorite Chinese writer, Eileen Chang. My first visit there was the late 90’s. The communist custom officer welcomed all Taiwanese denizens(they would not have put up with ‘citizens’) with a cautious hospitality. The wintery smog whacked me however and I had a vivid image of the waitress who served us chicken congee with her thumb dipped partially inside the bowl in a renowned local eatery. Regardless, the congee was yum-yum. Surreal, eh?
近來上海嚴苛的清零, 供應鏈繼續青黃不接, 廠商們逃的逃, 倒的倒, 魔都財夢一場, 惘然. 權力有什麼好? 百年後, 一撥泥土, 一角荒墳; 為什麼看不開? 搞成民不聊生, 還說不得辯不得... 自主的思考和分析力, 比起病毒, 極權主義下更加容不得.