回台灣探親前在四月號的House Beautiful(小小得意一下, 我的設計也上此雜誌本月精選,見HB April 09 issue p.18 左下角的鑄銀荷花珠寶架), 看到100 Years of Royal Albert夢幻茶具組, 趕緊和亦好茶會的吾友物質女孩分享, 想著回來後再決定要不要收藏, 行前1900-1950那組已經銷售一空, 一週後回來, 1960-2000這組竟也賣光…
a member of the White Rose non-violent resistance movement in Nazi Germany, celebrated as one of the great German heroes who actively opposed the Third Reich during the Second World War.
Love to sleepwalk after hours and daydream in Sunday morning... designer by profession and deconstruction by obsession.
悲觀的樂觀主義者, 夢裡常常被迫害或是身旁的人盡做些蠢事, 醒著的時候總是擔憂99%不會發生的鬧劇; 也容易為小小的幸福感動, 喜歡看調皮的孩子笑, 懶惰的貓咪撒嬌, 寶石般的美食閃閃發光, 美麗如雕像的男人女人在眼前走過…