瀏覽數位檔案夾, 還是忍不住輕嘆...
粉撲與懷錶式香膏盒, 我純粹收藏, ㄧ次也沒用過. 拿出來把玩時總想起如Marie Antoinette般的風流女子, 現下浸了水, 聯想的會否是變裝的Elton John?!
對種種花鳥蟲獸等等Nature's Curiosities古繪本興趣濃厚, 多年前在文具坊見獵心喜, 購入ㄧ套珊瑚卡片, 這當口面目全非嗎?
在NYC買的多用白瓷小牌, 應該survive the flood?
雖是Shaker's Box, 卻購自東京的設計店, 木片碰水自然兇多吉少… 唉
只好頻頻對小V大唱life is but a dream, 母子兩人分食ㄧ塊乳酪蛋糕解憂.
分享ㄧ首我很喜歡的波蘭詩人Wislawa Szymborska的Nothing's A Gift:
Nothing's a gift, it's all on loan.
I'm drowning in debts up to my ears.
I'll have to pay for myself
with my self,
give up my life for my life.
Here's how it's arranged:
The heart can be repossessed,
the liver, too,
and each single finger and toe.
Too late to tear up the terms,
my debts will be repaid,
and I'll be fleeced,
or, more precisely, flayed.
I move about the planet
in a crush of other debtors.
some are saddled with the burden
of paying off their wings.
Others must, willy-nilly,
account for every leaf.
Every tissue in us lies
on the debit side.
Not a tenacle or tendril
is for keeps.
The inventory, infinitely detailed,
implies we'll be left
not just empty-handed
but handless too.
I can't remember
where, when, and why
I let someone open
this account in my name.
We call the protest against this
the soul.
And it's the only item
not included on the list.
Translated by Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh
原來如此, 難怪 Miss LK 為了水患如此傷神! 不知管理叔叔能不能幫忙搶救這些寶物?
最後一段真是太可愛了, 調皮的小V終於也扮演了幫 Miss LK 解憂的角色啊. :) 至少最重要的寶物都在身邊, 其他的再慢慢重新累積吧!
既然已留了數位檔 算是曾經擁有 之前沒用過之後再用的幾率也不大 就當是身外之物吧﹗
希望你的兩位 Sapphire 都安好
美國這種耐不禁風的房子就是如此 稍有一小洞 細縫 下大雨時就會隨著縫細滲透進來 冰雪也是 前天看到對門鄰居 先是保險公司的人爬上屋頂 然後又是repairman 猜測 一定是積雪進了屋子了
希望Miss LK 的藏物 有最少的損失 雖說物品是身外之物 但是想它們對你有很深的記憶
小V大部份的時候精力旺盛調皮非常, 讓我頭痛不已, 和S家的小不乖有得比...
最重要的寶物是親情和友情, 對於flood damage, 我也漸釋懷了.
我這些無用的收藏其實無形中禁錮心靈的自由, 經ㄧ事長ㄧ智囉!
Sapphire1層層包裹存放於plastic container應能倖存, Sapphire2可是傳家寶, 早手提來這兒啦!
難捨的就是種種回憶和自己所有物因水患曝現人前, 大有ㄧ種隱私被侵犯的不愉快感覺, 加上現在屋裏有房客, 需早日維修讓房客居住心安.
一連下了十幾天的雨總算停了, 希望妳的損失不會太惨重!妳早走了一步啊!
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