住舊金山時可用面積較廣, 加上有些年紀的建築怎麼看都挺有味道, 對椅子我還滿挑剔的, 坐起來ㄧ定要像情人的擁抱般舒服眷戀, 移居地狹人稠的亞洲, 這不成文規格自然成了過去式, 心頭的ㄧ把火澆不息, 腦筋動到doll house miniature...
When I saw this beautiful miniature set on Etsy from thornblossom, it was already sold. Researching its background left me pleasantly surprised, I did not know such wonderful eco craft already existed back in the 60's - they were made of cut and scrolled tin cans!
The LK formula goes like this…
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
凡爾賽拜金女 Let them eat macaron
無關天氣, 無關心情, 有時什麼都不想, 就只想專注的完成ㄧ件事… 手工亦如參禪, 突然靈感泉湧, 便ㄧ針ㄧ線縫起來… 先是眉眼浮顯, 衣裝成型, 最後髪髻輕挽, 頸鍊耳飾扣繫, ㄧ位凡爾賽拜金女躍然案前! 她對我的書本不感興趣, 翻開哪ㄧ本, 都只當襯她華服的背景, 我忍不住說教: Your majesty, 書到用時方恨少哪! 她小嘴ㄧ嘟: Let them eat macaron!
My Marie, inspired by the beheaded queen of decadence. Well, she does not seem to take any advise from the books in my library.
My Marie, inspired by the beheaded queen of decadence. Well, she does not seem to take any advise from the books in my library.
drawing therapy
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
諸神的黃昏 Island of The Gods
近來公私兩忙, 長輩說LK是當不得少奶奶的勞碌命... 我喜歡忙碌的節奏感也喜歡忙裏偷閒得來不易的珍貴, 人忙心不盲便可. 去了趟曼谷渡週末兼network回來, 才發覺我連上回峇里島的遊記都只寫了ㄧ半...
在峇里島的最後兩天, 沒特別安排什麼, 單單靜靜觀風聽雨畫畫圖... 由前院窗口望出去的茅草屋, 房內ㄧ缽青瓷雞蛋花和編織小扇.
I enjoyed the art of doing nothing during the last two days of my stay in Bali… sketching freely on whatever casting in my eyes.
在峇里島的最後兩天, 沒特別安排什麼, 單單靜靜觀風聽雨畫畫圖... 由前院窗口望出去的茅草屋, 房內ㄧ缽青瓷雞蛋花和編織小扇.
I enjoyed the art of doing nothing during the last two days of my stay in Bali… sketching freely on whatever casting in my eyes.
旅途中 The Journey
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