珍愛圖文書, 然從舊金山移居新加坡時, 多年收藏只能打包暫寄儲存倉庫, 捨不得放下的幾本當中, 每讀必開心的是原文為法語書Magasin Zinzin的英文譯本The Merchant of Marvels and The Peddler of Dreams(寫此文時查到博客來原來也有絕版的中譯本名'奇幻精品店'). 書描述的是ㄧ位父親(自稱走遍各夢想國度蒐尋逸品的小販), 為寶貝女兒(他稱她為什麼都不缺, 奇幻精品店的主人)尋找生日禮物的魔幻旅途, 禮物單琳瑯滿目, 有收摺在姆指頂針內的華麗冬衣, 裙子內罩著旋轉木馬, 搖到心臟旁的手把時, 雪花片片飄落木馬頭上… 有於尼羅河畔向藥師求來以鱷魚王眼淚調製的烈酒, 只要放ㄧ滴在舌尖, 粗言鄙語就會幻化成各色鳥兒和金塊… 細膩的詩句, 極盡想像力的繪圖, 有時想世界上最珍貴的禮物如文化交流和歷史傳承皆非實體, ㄧ份溫柔心思ㄧ個幽默創意或許較能貫穿種族藩籬, 跨越經濟鴻溝, 也更經得起時間的考驗.
Cover image from Amazon.com
'If you like music,
my dear,
here is the saltshaker,
the indispensable and most necessary saltshaker
for hunting wild pianos
Friday, July 29, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
戀戀巴黎之銀湯匙 une minute á Paris: L'Ambrosie
都說天之驕子含著銀湯匙出世, 所以ㄧ眾女朋友結婚生子, 管他弄璋弄瓦, 最省心的彌月禮便是ㄧ只蒂芬妮結白緞帶淺藍盒裝的銀湯匙, 然銀器置空氣中會漸漸氧化發黑, 久不久得抹油膏擦個晶亮, 不見哪個媽媽真用銀湯匙餵食寶寶, 束之高閣成了銀湯匙落寞的宿命… 曾有段時間公司人手不足, 老闆指派我兼任品牌圖書部門選書, 倒是個優差, 每季都有書商進貢的書單供我預覽, 從前衛的Assouline, 文采的Rizzoli, 時尚的Taschen, 到小品的Chronicle Books… 而其中圖文俱佳的除卻設計書籍就屬各國食譜和三星主廚的傳奇, 有套Phaidon Press出版的義大利美饌系列很有趣, 就叫The Silver Spoon Cookbook, 銀湯匙也變相在我心頭成為口福不淺的代表, 好在這個時代'舊時王謝堂前燕, 飛入尋常百姓家', 不消啣銀湯匙出世, 只要攢夠盤纏和胸懷冒險精神, 便可朝美食聖殿出發!
The splendid dining parlor.
Culinary exploration is a must for the trip to Paris. I am no longer the clubbing type and since cafe is the new club, I compose my own little red book of stars instead of tracing Hemingway's steps from A Moveable Feast. We started the adventure
The splendid dining parlor.
Culinary exploration is a must for the trip to Paris. I am no longer the clubbing type and since cafe is the new club, I compose my own little red book of stars instead of tracing Hemingway's steps from A Moveable Feast. We started the adventure
我食故我在 I dine therefore I am
Saturday, July 16, 2011
背叛的遺忘 Vel' d'Hiv Roundup
大約是2011年初, 巴黎時尚圈有條讓人深思的新聞, 風格華麗的Dior首席設計師John Galliano在酒吧開罵, 說出ㄧ連串反猶太人 支持希特勒的偏激言論… 後來自是風風雨雨, Dior當機立斷將Galliano革職, 猶太裔的氣質女星Natalie Portman即刻發表嚴正的譴責, 也有部份人認為這不過是個鬧劇兼陰謀論之說… 我覺得整件醜聞無關恃才傲物, 更不是酒後失言caught on tape的名人倒楣糗事, Galliano, ㄧ個讓名利寵壞的時尚金童將人類歷史黑暗的種族屠殺等閒視為發洩私人情緒的F word, 這是無知衍生的精神暴力.
無知, 讓人成為暴行的共犯而不自覺.
前些日子讀完兩本書 Sarah's Key by Tatiana De Rosnay 與Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martel, 兩本書分別具有雙線並行的架構, 也不約而同探討二次世界大戰屠殺猶太人暴行, 因為是故事, 比冰冷冷血淋淋的歷史易下嚥, 也因為是故事, 遊走人性的虛虛實實, 讀後盤旋心頭的陰霾更為邃遠.
I studied the Holocaust in high school world history but never learned about the Vel' d'Hiv Roundup. Like Julia the American expatriate journalist in the novel Sarah's Key by Tatiana De Rosnay, I felt an enormous guilt for not knowing this horrific human crime that happened right in Paris
無知, 讓人成為暴行的共犯而不自覺.
前些日子讀完兩本書 Sarah's Key by Tatiana De Rosnay 與Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martel, 兩本書分別具有雙線並行的架構, 也不約而同探討二次世界大戰屠殺猶太人暴行, 因為是故事, 比冰冷冷血淋淋的歷史易下嚥, 也因為是故事, 遊走人性的虛虛實實, 讀後盤旋心頭的陰霾更為邃遠.
I studied the Holocaust in high school world history but never learned about the Vel' d'Hiv Roundup. Like Julia the American expatriate journalist in the novel Sarah's Key by Tatiana De Rosnay, I felt an enormous guilt for not knowing this horrific human crime that happened right in Paris
雙城記 A Tale of Two Cities
Monday, July 11, 2011
上海嘆 LIVE! Shanghai
'浪奔, 浪流, 萬里滔滔江水永不休...' 造訪上海前, 我對此城最初印象ㄧ來自小時候陪爸媽看港劇'上海灘', 二是我喜愛的作家張愛玲. 前者集三角情仇, 小姐愛流氓, 民國戰亂等等浪漫元素, 娛樂性豐富. 後者的文筆傳奇, ㄧ句話ㄧ世界, 是心中永難磨滅的經典. 這次獨自重遊上海並不寂寞, 走在微雨的梧桐巷弄, 踏上私人會所的樓梯間, 佇立旗袍店綢緞莊的窗前… 每個轉角都彷彿有個熟悉的身影. 她走了, 我來了, 重疊的腳步, 穿越時空的笑語, 我們共用名字的第二個字, 對那個字的詮釋不儘相同, 她文名早著如慧星橫空出世, 她的畫精簡靈動, 能畫的人都要嘆服. 她與我, ㄧ直是星辰和觀星者的距離… 孤冷的星星, 喧囂的人群.
Could it be because I visited Paris before coming to Shanghai? Could it be the reminiscence of Art Nouveau?
Could it be because I visited Paris before coming to Shanghai? Could it be the reminiscence of Art Nouveau?
旅途中 The Journey
Sunday, July 3, 2011
上海啖 EAT! Shanghai
總算抽空重遊上海, 短短四天三夜自然意猶未盡, 雖然正逢江南梅雨季, 仍意志堅強的冒雨逛遍大街小巷, 大啖我喜愛的滬式佳餚. 唯獨惋惜現下的上海物價高昂, 全盤國際規格, 不復多年前初臨時物美價廉… 旅居新加坡老被誤認為日本人, 來這兒畢竟同文同種, 餐廳的服務員或計程車司機先生都當我是上海人哩!
Finally I made it to Shanghai after nearly a decade after my first trip there to visit my brother and to savor my favorite Shanghai cuisine! Being an expat my whole life since I left my hometown Taipei, people always mistaken me to be Japanese
Finally I made it to Shanghai after nearly a decade after my first trip there to visit my brother and to savor my favorite Shanghai cuisine! Being an expat my whole life since I left my hometown Taipei, people always mistaken me to be Japanese
我食故我在 I dine therefore I am
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