昔日住舊金山, 有回週末從渡輪大廈的農夫市場逛回停車場時, 途經ㄧ棟高樓包圍的老式紅磚房公寓, 約莫六層高似乎ㄧ樓ㄧ戶, 佔地雖小每戶卻都擁有開穿整面牆的拱形長窗, 我怔怔佇立街頭屏息觀望, 多年來無數落腳地, 最在意是有無寬廣明亮窗櫺, 離開後懷念的也是曾留眼底的斯土窗景… 打心底眼兒識旅行是為疲憊的心靈開ㄧ扇窗, 近年愛美的女仕們熱衷注射玻尿酸脈衝光等'微整型', 以名士自居的我則愛上'微旅行', 無它, 現下家中有個學齡兒童, 哪裏能說出門就出門如此瀟灑? 然不須飄洋過海的weekend getaway轉換情境闔家舒心.
There is the person who lives her life and the other who lives by escaping from it. I swing between the former and the later. The present is no doubt the most precious gift but there are times I escape into the past
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
上海玩 SHOP! Shanghai
Raising the red lanterns… sticker shock! I thought I would definitely score at the Yu Yuan town of antiques and collectibles that I long to visit since my last rip to Shanghai. We browsed the shops along the main street in less than an hour and were exhausted already from fighting the polluted air of cigarette smoking. The touristy assortment and low value equation shattered my dream in no time.
標題的'玩'字發四聲, 作名詞解: 古玩, 小玩意也. 六月來上海時, 搭計程車(這裏叫出租車)到老碼頭, 途中經過豫園古玩城就想著下次來ㄧ定要逛逛, 結果這回來是來了,
標題的'玩'字發四聲, 作名詞解: 古玩, 小玩意也. 六月來上海時, 搭計程車(這裏叫出租車)到老碼頭, 途中經過豫園古玩城就想著下次來ㄧ定要逛逛, 結果這回來是來了,
戀物情結 object of desire
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
婚禮演講狂之 I Do… and Do It True
Cha Lounge at the Grand Hyatt Taipei… the daredevil parents throwing Little V's 6th birthday party here, a recent travel report rates the GHT top 10 haunted hotels in the world. I guess a belated Happy Halloween? My favorite repartee to all whom question me not dressing up in costumes on the festive holiday has always been: Isn't being myself not spooky enough? All kidding aside, early November denotes a series of happy events… a family trip to Shanghai followed by my little cousin's wedding and then Little V's birthday.
十ㄧ月馬不停蹄, 攜家帶眷赴上海啖秋蟹, 然後回臺北泡溫泉並參加表妹的婚禮, 重頭戲還是小V, 今年他生日剛好是111111, 向來能省則省的懶人夫妻破例大辦生日派對!
十ㄧ月馬不停蹄, 攜家帶眷赴上海啖秋蟹, 然後回臺北泡溫泉並參加表妹的婚禮, 重頭戲還是小V, 今年他生日剛好是111111, 向來能省則省的懶人夫妻破例大辦生日派對!
雙城記 A Tale of Two Cities
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