兒時的我有兩個志向: 畫畫與寫作. 後來入設計ㄧ行前者已償, 雖無大成就, 安身立命從不是問題, 當年LK媽擔憂女兒學藝術會餓死街頭算是白擔心了. 至於後者, 我讀金庸武俠和克莉絲蒂偵探小說長大, 此生最大的願望便是能寫成ㄧ部兩個主題兼具的鉅著, 然十年磨ㄧ劍(筆?), 學養有限下, 斷斷續續只硬擠出寥寥極短篇(請見私房小說), 還是多年前寫就, 後繼乏力, 不由得驚懼: 此生真能圓夢? 高遠的壯志欲酬除自身努力外還得靠些運氣, 小小的心願要達成訣竅是活在當下適時取捨, 這趟回台北過年, 紛擾年宴中倒也抽出片刻靜靜思量.
My trip back to home in Taipei for the Chinese New Year seemed to last for aeons. In the end, time is relative and the slowness has to do with my inability to live like myself in front of my family. Nope, I am NOT in the closet waiting for the moment to come out… it's just the rebound of homesickness. Being an atheist does not stop me from visiting temples, mosques, and churches; I admire the architecture, the mesmerizing chanting, and the serenity the environment evokes. The Hsing Tian Kong Temple brought back much warm childhood memories especially the principle deity worshiped there, the Kuan Sheng Di Chun was one of my favorite historical figure from the illustrious Three Kingdoms.
願望ㄧ. 我不信教, 但從小跟著長輩們
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012
心的序曲 Queen of Hearts
不知哪兒聽說的, 新年首日決定ㄧ年生活紋理, 所以決定不煩惱不生氣繪畫過除夕!!! 好久沒提筆… 忙些什麼呢? 聖誕假期讀完Flavia de Luce第四集I Am Half-Sick of Shadows關於古典莊園聖誕夜發生的大明星謀殺案, 或許受文字影響, 畫風有點歌德式黑暗… 還沒畫完, 這幅我想集合刺繡與織毛氈製作立體效果, 且拭目以待吧!
Wait… this is just the New Year holiday and I already jump start on the Valentine?! Since I will be traveling soon for the Chinese New Year, the realization of a few ideas for the sweet occasion is a refreshing way to begin 2012 :)
Wait… this is just the New Year holiday and I already jump start on the Valentine?! Since I will be traveling soon for the Chinese New Year, the realization of a few ideas for the sweet occasion is a refreshing way to begin 2012 :)
設計師的私房筆記 A Designer’s Journal
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