I was not aware of my own schizophrenic condition until composing this post. The Chinese version has taken quite a departure from the original intent. For those of you who can read Chinese, be ready for a radical tete a tete. If not, enjoy the tamed PC English version on a lovely wedding that we attended over the weekend. The venue was Nestledown in Los Gatos… reminding me of The Lord of The Rings. I was half expecting Merry and Pippin stepping out from the charming cottage :)
如果我有guts, 十年前不會選擇婚姻, 更不會選擇生育兒女. 我不適合家庭羈絆, 努力求學工作是為了早日獨立, 脫離肥皂劇似的原生家庭.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
再戰江湖 California Dreaming
三年前辭職主要為赴新加坡ㄧ家團圓, 除學當賢妻良母外, 也想替自己十年設計生涯劃下個完美句點, 尋求獨立創業的可能. 離開工作室時頗有些'無限江山, 別時容易見時難'的感慨… 幾年熱帶南國夢得失皆有, 兜兜轉轉又回到灣區, 老東家很有誠意, 下飛機第二天便邀約人事部商談, 也十分體諒我搬家處境, 願意等我將孩子學校安頓好再復職, 所以大筆ㄧ揮簽好聘書, 決定出任旗下另ㄧ個較年輕品牌首席設計師職務. 此番復出似乎有些許違背當年自創品牌初衷, 仍在協商共存可能… 我, 的確是為五斗米折腰(想笑我的就笑吧), 安慰自己能屈能伸也是很酷的 :)
As I settle in, I start to remember all reasons I felt in love with the San Francisco Bay Area years ago. Napa ranks high on the list. No matter how fiercely we might have fought, Mr. LK and I never failed to reach truce as soon as we took a trip to the wine country for some delicious food and wine. Here is our recent discovery of the curious Darioush.
As I settle in, I start to remember all reasons I felt in love with the San Francisco Bay Area years ago. Napa ranks high on the list. No matter how fiercely we might have fought, Mr. LK and I never failed to reach truce as soon as we took a trip to the wine country for some delicious food and wine. Here is our recent discovery of the curious Darioush.
旅途中 The Journey
Friday, August 10, 2012
大亨小傳 Hotel California
四處看房子有苦有樂, 每踏進ㄧ間新屋, 我腦海馬上浮現如BBC影集Sherlock偵探橋段: 誰曾住過這裏? 兇宅吉宅? 幾房幾衛浴總坪數多少? 區域小學至高中列名? 最後是心算扣除房租或貸款後, LKㄧ家老少白粥外可否加碟醬菜?! 和吾友MG閒聊, 提及某學長夫人笑嘆已婚女性只能從電視找愛情… 嗯, 與液晶螢幕精神戀愛對我來說太過形而上, 可是兩個多星期尋覓dream home下來, 我頓悟原來ㄧ棟好房子更能喚醒心中沈睡已久波濤洶湧的熱情! 記得高中時讀的大亨小傳, 直到現在仍不懂Gatsby對膚淺自私Daisy的深情, 但那兩棟隔著港灣遙遙相望的華廈卻真真是浪漫極致 !!!
As I prefaced in my previous post that oldies with 'California' in the title are rarely happy songs. My epic relocation has progressed from "This could be Heaven or this could be Hell" to "You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave!" Gosh, the existentialist 70's…
As I prefaced in my previous post that oldies with 'California' in the title are rarely happy songs. My epic relocation has progressed from "This could be Heaven or this could be Hell" to "You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave!" Gosh, the existentialist 70's…
旅途中 The Journey
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
加州日和 Vacation California
到埠個多星期, 找房買車探查學校忙得不可開交, 還好吾友MG收留我於她舒適家中, 否則這過渡期更難熬. 想想此次搬家不過是跨越太平洋(又不是烏江!), 腦細胞怎麼全軍覆沒?! 可見LK哪裏是做大事業的人, 唉... 塵埃落定安居前大抵寫不出好文章, 以幾張隨手拍問好 :)
The oldies with 'California' in the title are hardly happy songs. Our relocation back to the San Francisco Bay Area resonates with a symbolic line from Eagles' famous tune: "This could be Heaven or this could be Hell" :P
The oldies with 'California' in the title are hardly happy songs. Our relocation back to the San Francisco Bay Area resonates with a symbolic line from Eagles' famous tune: "This could be Heaven or this could be Hell" :P
旅途中 The Journey
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