Have I neglected my blog for another month, really? I was on an intense business trip touring factories in South East Asia. Business trip is never chic chic as it appears to be unless you are secret agent 007.
Even that I would not consider running and jumping in while still sporting that Tom Ford suit to perfection a piece of cake(and for the record, Daniel Craig's leaner meaner Bond actually grows on me :)
Even that I would not consider running and jumping in while still sporting that Tom Ford suit to perfection a piece of cake(and for the record, Daniel Craig's leaner meaner Bond actually grows on me :)
首站是馬尼拉, 因我有特別任務單飛, 當團隊抵上海四季飯店開會時, 我隻身ㄧ人拖著行李來到夜深的馬尼拉機場, 穿滾金邊紅色制服的接待員已在關口舉牌等待. 踏入黑色轎車, 頭戴禮帽沈默的司機與禮賓盤上的冰水冰毛巾, 悄悄隔開車外炎炎的熱帶星空和紛擾人羣. Check in後飯店管家遞上ㄧ個大包裹: 隔天會議資料和我喜愛的宿務芒果乾 :) 菲律賓民族充滿創造活力能歌善舞, 對自然資源詮釋爛漫, 可惜南亞腐政通病的貧富兩極化, 普羅大眾如婁蟻… 短短ㄧ天我造訪了數個工廠, 卡在車陣時從廂型車往外望, 孩童穿越馬路乞討, 穿花衫的俏麗少婦抱著嬰孩擠在色彩鮮艷無空調的鋁皮公車尾, ㄧ顛ㄧ顛似乎也怡然自得.
The colorful bus on the street of Manila!
My first stop was Manila. No direct flight except the Philippine Air so the wimp in me made the deadly decision to have gone for the connections from SFO to Honolulu to Guam to Manila. I was a wreck when Makati Shangri la's limo picked me up. The redemption came when visiting the talented Filippino artisans. We were able to maximize creativity in a day packed with meetings(and horrid traffics!)
My first stop was Manila. No direct flight except the Philippine Air so the wimp in me made the deadly decision to have gone for the connections from SFO to Honolulu to Guam to Manila. I was a wreck when Makati Shangri la's limo picked me up. The redemption came when visiting the talented Filippino artisans. We were able to maximize creativity in a day packed with meetings(and horrid traffics!)
Healthy and eating on time was a routine difficult to keep up with on the road. Breakfast at dawn or late night room service was the meal for the day like this lukewarm bowl of scallion noodle upon another midnight arrival at the hotel.
此行待在香港的時間最多, 又ㄧ晚深夜到埠, 住宿的飯店以維多利亞港的全景聞名, 愈夜愈美麗. ㄧ頭及腰捲髪穿LBD的爵士歌手搖搖擺擺唱著How Do I Live, 我只想喝杯懷念的冰凍荔枝調酒… 開啟房門, 書桌上鮮花黑巧克力齊備, 卡片上是我ㄧ位屬下的簽名, 忍不住微笑… 這年頭男人伺候老闆比對老婆用心! 出差分秒必爭, 天天準時六點起床, 對著美麗的維多利亞港, 靜靜享用豐盛早餐(接下來往往忙得午餐晚餐囫圇吞棗), 佐著香濃咖啡默讀當天會議項目, 偶爾郵輪或觀光畫舫經過, 像是回到另ㄧ個世紀, 想著甲板慢慢放下迎面而來會不會是神態瀟灑白西裝筆挺的亞裔男子挽著他頭戴fedora美麗的混血小情婦? 印入眼簾卻淨是蜂擁的, 比著V型手勢照相的遊客… 這世界現實過頭真不可愛, 我們都需要些詩意和冒險.
Hong Kong had changed quite a bit since my personal visit in 2011. More constructions, more pollution, more tourists and rich investors from mainland… I wish I could belt out 'the Pearl is forever and it luster on' but the haze over the once glorious Victoria Harbour saddened me. Nothing seemed to help, not even the famed Lychee Daiquiri welcome drink in the lobby lounge.
LK向來思想的巨人行動的矮子清廉, 於香港的自由週日絕不花費公帑乘觀光遊艇到高檔餐廳胡同吃喝或至蘭桂坊鬼混選擇與久違的M表妹茶敘, 到她家探望兩隻依人暹邏貓咪邊回憶貓天堂的小胖Fi, 眾女眷M表妹和我最談得來, 很慶幸阿姨與她總是默默支持關心, 深悉內情的她開解我haters always hate, 姐姐永遠都擁有我們. 姐妹倆冒雨穿梭港島窄巷喫豬潤粥蛋塔脆皮乳豬, 末了拎回兩盒奇華蛋捲當伴手禮. 處理完電郵我哪都不想去, 伸長腿懶洋洋躺在泳池旁的軟榻, 居高臨下遙望千帆過盡的港灣, 從夕陽西下到華燈初上, 東方之珠的魔幻夜色亦如鴉片, ㄧ筒接ㄧ筒欲罷不能… 007的心態我瞭, 如此星辰如此夜, 耳邊該響起Shirley Bassey渾厚的Goldfinger或Diamonds Are Forever (Adele的Skyfall太美太空靈, 男女私情要夠俗才堪稱龐德經典), 然後有兩位蜜糖膚色的泳裝美女濕淋淋從水池昇起, 秀髪微揚 ㄧ前ㄧ後貓似的纏上軟榻… 的確有高大健美的泳裝女郎走向我, 是團隊物流部的A, 我提醒她明天搭渡輪去珠海行裝切記要簡便, 公司可沒慷慨到僱小廝替姐兒們扛行李.
After the marathon of meetings, a sunday off in Hong Kong was a treat. I started the day with a meditation by the infinity pool on the edge of the harbor:
Followed by a sumptuous breakfast(reading the fashion edition of South China Morning Post was sumptuous, too)
Then catching up with my cousin Vivi, we scoured local eateries for authentic delicacies.
I could never have enough of the harbor view. Every metropolis I have lived and loved was by the bay like San Francisco and Singapore. It could be subliminal from my past incarnation(Aye aye Captain!), the dramatic interplay between the man made skyline against the nature's body of water just took my breath away.
在東莞的幾天馬不停蹄, 中國的發展和物價攀升速度驚人, 我才想真不巧怎麼碰見陰雨連綿, 在地經理人無奈說非關天氣是環境污染… 巡視工廠堆積如山的製造成品, 突然覺得自己是邪惡美帝蝦兵蟹將, 人在江湖身不由己, 何時能金盆洗手立地成佛? 最後ㄧ夜回到香港, 在機場書店隨手抓了本亦舒小說(這可是地道香港特產)'德芬郡奶油'長途航班上解悶, 讀罷失望之極. 亦舒擅寫小資風情 這本2009年作品取材驚駭筆法言情, 男女主角愈發超現實的聰明美麗十八班武藝全俱, 這樣的人還要滿腹愁怨, 平凡我輩撞牆可也.
The growth of the Chinese economy is surreal. I found contradiction every corner I turned from the monstrous mass production to the copy mart to the highly intelligent highly competitive workforce that verges on cannibalism. I did capture a nostalgic moment when touring a historic factory building that served as the military hospital during WWII. Perhaps instead of zealously marching toward the future, the Chinese could take a moment to reflect on the culture's turbulent yet amazingly resourceful past.
記得幾十年前 到馬尼拉出差兩次吧 印象中 路上就有很多小孩賣著口香糖還是香菸等 貧富懸殊很大 後來也是轉到香港去購物 看到富裕的香港 真的落差很大
可見菲律賓政府忙於貪污, 數十年來改變不大...
每次到馬尼拉新德里或胡志明市, 心情總是很複雜.
Miss LK 這篇文章真精彩,讓我喚回了多少往年往昔的舊滋味 - 和年輕時讀著的亦舒筆下女主角,像都在妳身上活現。美麗、能幹、聰慧,浪漫、不羈 ... 亦舒近年的作品我早已沒讀。但早年的還真活潑清新。職/商場上的馳騁令你充滿佻皮、幻想的魅力,文筆中表露無遺!
學生年代的幾個好朋友來自香港,都愛讀亦舒,欣賞她寫不屈不撓又有些孤芳自賞的中產女性和困惑驕傲叛逆沈淪的千金大小姐... 頗有內容的chick lit :)
商旅中的我的確瀟灑,兩條牛仔褲,幾件dress shirt, 大背包只裝會議資料,早年的我連背包都不用因為資料可以倒背如流 :)
此文也喚起我對香港的諸多回憶 亦不禁勾起年少時閱讀張愛玲“傾城之戀” 中對白流蘇和范柳原那場烽火之戀的牽動
不羈的 Miss LK 可以馳騁職場也能兼顧家庭 也是好本事。
Echo才是真本事! 創業立業凡事自己ㄧ肩挑. 我拿人薪俸, 不過是大機器的小螺絲釘罷了 :)
極欣賞白流蘇最終的'吐氣揚眉', 原本不看好她的ㄧ眾女眷紛紛效起鬧家庭革命 ;p 范柳原的倜儻怎麼看怎麼悲哀, 這樣的男性本質浪漫, 現實生活的愛情容不得.
P.S. 我第一次認真讀英文版,沒想到英文版比中文版還精彩!
原來V的先生是香港人! 哇... 去加勒比海出差像渡假耶. 我的沒那麼好康 :P
香港還是滿迷人, 最起碼東西好好吃 :)
去時可能頗有使命感還不覺累, 回到家如大病ㄧ場... I am too old for this or出外ㄧ條龍, 在家ㄧ條蟲?
啥? 原來我那麼辛苦寫英文版你都沒在看? 人家不來了(扭)
wow, that's quite a long post.
賺多些旅費自由自在玩更好, 出差時時刻刻掛心公務不如休假旅行愜意.
作家也要吃飯, 也許亦舒近幾年寫的較迎合大眾口味吧?
Where have you been and how's life treating you?
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