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Sunday, May 26, 2013

擔當 Thoughts on Happy Hour and Cooking Sous Vide

漸漸覺得自己銀座歐吉桑魂上身,下班後不是歸心似箭,反而常想找個地方淺酌吃小菜靜享happy hour.  鬧中取靜真正奢侈,繁忙空出的心寧則像入定,是份超然. 
Allow me to paraphrase Mother Teresa… When hard work leads only to more hard working, I will still work hard and just take frequent breaks :) The sun, the breeze, and the nice warm weather make it difficult for anyone to stay inside.
I started to plan my happy hours throughout the day when the occasion calls for it. The other day when I needed to run an errand in the Embarcadero, I decided to go that 'extra mile' detouring into the Ferry Building.  Always the pleasant surprise, I was able to have a quiet brunch right before Boulette's Larder closed for renovation and then walked back to the office with the perfect companion - the Blue Bottle Coffee cappuccino. 
週末總是排滿小V同學的生日會,上星期學期末派對,在家愛撒嬌的孩子到了同學家如脫韁野馬喚都喚不回,一羣男孩女孩玩玩鬧鬧追趕跑跳無片刻安寧,我心裏想為人師表值得大大加薪,要是我早舉白旗.  熱心熱情的女主人是口腔外科醫師,幾個長春藤校友虎媽聚首高談闊論,LK乃老莊無為信徒,頻頻安慰大家: 妳們都做的比我好啦!(反正咱家小V好像也不是讀書的料,就任他遊戲人間吧 :) 
My wonderful in-laws have been here to help out(I am still in denial what to do after they leave…). Sometimes to wait out on the rush hour traffic, I dined early alone or stopped by for a sweet treat before heading home south on the freeway.  It might be a baffling idea to some why a happily married woman with husband and son would like to stay away from her family.  Why not?  Everyone needs an outlet :P  I like to eat at the bar absorbing in the hustle and bustle of an open kitchen and eavesdropping unrelated gossips, the inspirations for my future novella.  Ending the happy hour with a healthy dessert - frozen yogurt with mango bliss by Fraiche
償完兒女債LK也約了幾位好友在家試驗sous vide cooking註1, 將木桌木椅搬到後院,找出淺綠水晶杯對著陽光輕拭,端上冰涼的氣泡水,菜單如下: 

Sous vide金黃有機甜菜根 
Sous vide肋眼牛排三式(原味,奶油香蒜,Demi glacé) 
Sous vide咖哩百里香羊排 
Home cooking of course is an art itself.  Recently I scored at the company's sample sale.  The set of vacuum sealer and Sous Vide Supreme water oven were tucked away under the long table… there you are!  I welcomed the apparatus home with the greatest enthusiasm and threw a sous vide tasting party immediately the weekend after.  

最捧場的是小V, 媽咪出四道肉品他也配足四碗飯,欲罷不能 :) 最快樂的是我, 頓覺時不時要多和朋友聯絡感情, 事業終究是事業(no more, no less), 孩子長大也該獨立擁有自己的生活, 能分享同個年代記憶的唯有幾個志趣相投的好朋友, 何必等到'訪舊半為鬼'呢? 
The logic behind sous vide is simple: low heat cooking the vacuum sealed food within a temperature of precision over time to maximize nutrient and to preserve the perfect texture.  This method works the best for protein and root veggies.  The side benefit: let the machine do the work and no need to stay anxiously beside the cooking range. 

有天午休出工作室辦雜務, 微風徐徐, 街道兩旁排排銀杏樹如尊尊千手佛, 千萬隻小手搖著千萬把小小扇子, 簌簌抖落我滿頭滿臉的陽光… 忍不住漫步到附近的Ferry Building走進向來喜愛的Boulette's Larder, 原來再過兩天餐廳便要關門數月裝修兼暑修, ㄧ定是有什麼召喚我吧?  對著橋景大啖兔肉凍暢飲鮮榨橙汁, 我很開心.  半年前逃難似的於此用餐, 像頭偊偊孤行受困受傷的獨獸, 就因為曾經失落才更確定為什麼要找回自己, 過程中取捨必然, 做個有擔當的人, 為自己的快樂負責. 
The bionic motion of the vacuum sealing totally appealed to the organization freak in me.  I was gratified setting the portions, sealing them, and planning ahead the week's menu.  It's amazing how outside order creates inner peace.  I seem to find the way to happiness.  Yes, in a small way but the revelation is still a great start. 
註1. Sous vide cooking吾友物質女孩於她這篇網誌介紹非常清楚, LK就偷懶不贅述, 這類烹飪最早來自營養學實驗, 後來米其林名廚們發揚光大, 適用蛋白質和根莖類, 在精細的溫度範圍隔水將真空包裝的食物低溫(恆溫)煮熟, 確保鮮味營養質和嚼感. LK決非廚藝狂人, 只是公司sample sale巧遇這上上下下原價近$600的ㄧ套sous vide'機俬'竟然八十美金就可刷卡擁有, 發揮驚人決策力臂力抱著兩個大箱子走到停車場(雙臂足足痛了整天), 開啟本人米其林星途遙遙之旅(遠目...) 
ps. Thanks to all my friends who came(being my sous vide guinea pig) to my little tasting party!!!


Silvia said...

沙发! Ferry Building和Blue Bottle! 真想再来旧金山~~

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

一天中個人獨享的小段快樂時光是很重要的。以前孩子上學後我非常珍惜看報喝咖啡吃早餐那小時。不過你的似乎比較好玩,還可以搜集未來故事資料!一定會是本精彩小說 ~

Echomiao said...

我個人覺得一個快樂自足的妻子/ 母親勝過整日奉獻犧牲的怨女 Your happy hour is much deserved. 也很高興見妳走出之前的陰霾 Cheers!!!

material girl said...

Sous Vide 真的好好吃啊~ :D~
沒想到氣質美女 Miss LK 也會使用遠目這個詞, 感覺真的好有趣啊. :P
在舊金山才能有下班的銀座魂, 在南灣看到餐廳都讓人想大嘆不如歸去, 回家睡覺去吧...

Miss LK said...

你上次來的時候天氣很冷, 現在陽光普照更美了!

'Me time'幫助我沈澱情緒面對生活大大小小難題, 也帶來靈感 :)

Miss LK said...

我最驚駭的那類人就是寧願花時間自怨自艾什麼都是別人的錯. 從小在不快樂母親的陰影下成長, 我ㄧ早便立定志向凡事靠自己, 跌跌撞撞的傷痕也是勳章 :)

Miss LK said...

下次再來sous vide'轟趴', 哈哈!
南灣的特色cafe或小酒館真的有些抱歉, 或許是商機!

V said...


Miss LK said...


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