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Sunday, April 13, 2014

鍋裏有隻雞 Poulet Au The

An old sketch I did at L'Arpege Paris in 2011 - fresh radish as the table setting!  When was the last time I actually write or draw for fun?  Perhaps this book by Brigid Schulte, Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time could point me to the right direction.
那天接小V下課懶燒飯, 帶他上館子吃冰淇淋兼逛書店, 巧遇Brigid Schulte新書發表會 - "Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time" ,可不正點出了職業女性難處?
週ㄧ至週五工作室天天'lean in', 週末我只想偷懶'recline'攤在沙發上靜靜看集Hannibal Season 2, 讓巴洛克黑暗美學帶我脫離現實生活, 舒緩緊繃的神經.  有子萬事足也是真的, 小V看來非幹大事的料, LK先生與我並不勉強孩子週末還得學這個學那個團團轉, ㄧ家三口吃吃喝喝看閒書休身養息為王道, 下廚倒是情趣: 

I enjoy the therapeutic rhythm in zen cooking.  Brains for the Friday Plants vs. Zombies game night?  Just kidding - delicious homemade meatball it is!
手工捏肉丸子配沙拉拌麵條都可口, 半豬半牛瘦絞肉混甜洋蔥最多汁美味.

Making the best of my Vitamix - fresh guacamole!  It pairs beautifully with pan fried chicken thigh.
墨西哥料理雖不算心頭好, 有時也喜歡那份豐艷飽足, 酸酸辣辣的酪梨沾醬自己動手做很簡單, 襯著現煎香噴噴的雞腿十分開胃.

Making the best of my Sous Vide Supreme - braised pork belly! The flavorful pork gelatin not only explodes in the mouth, it shoots hot oil in every direction inside the oven, too.  
連續以sous vide調理法挑戰紅燒肉, 驚艷豬五花的香Q合度, 豬油的爆發力亦讓我眼界大開, 下飯菜首選.

No matter how busy I am, I always make the time to breakfast or dine with my girlfriends.
忙歸忙, 每月和死黨的聚會是最歡樂的心靈SPA, 有時約早茶, 有時續晚餐, 話題天南地北, 每次完聚總覺得:  有你們真好!!! 

We had Poulet Au Foin years ago at L'Arpege in Paris.  One weekend when inspiration struck, why not making my own version?  I was clueless on finding fresh hay so I used silver tipped oolong tea leaves instead.  Hay gives the woodsy rustic touch to the dish both visually and olfactory while oolong tea completely elevates the dish to a different world, a different era, the midnight feast for an empress :)  Here's the how to video by Alain Passard for the original recipe:
Bon Appetit and Happy Easter!
為迎接出差的LK先生辛苦歸來, 傚仿名廚Alain Passard來道鑄鐵鍋燒全雞, 正版的Poulet Au Foin我們2011年在巴黎的L'Arpege享用過, 那年父喪無心寫食記, 拖到現在自然印象模糊.  只記得大廚友善熱情, 殷殷相詢當晚菜色合不合意, 料理著重極鮮食材, 口感時而粗獷時而纖細, 吹彈可破的嫩雞肉散發濃郁稻草燻香…  LK版因為不知稻草何處購買, 以白毫烏龍茶葉代替, 敲開麵皮掀鍋蓋時陣陣清雅的茶香撲鼻而來, 圍桌手撕多汁的全雞吃著, 吮指回味不已, 這Poulet Au The變奏意外之喜. 
ps.  換我要環亞遠征… 每個月才更新ㄧ篇網誌實在懶散, 為免四月開天窗出差前先登這篇, 祝大家復活節愉快!!! 


Peggy said...


Miss LK said...

不瞞您説,是稍微過了賞味期的白毫烏龍茶,棄之可惜 :p

Silvia said...

Miss LK要来亚洲?欢迎欢迎!来新加坡吗?来的话敬请告知哦!

Miss LK said...


聚水藏風 said...

Wish you a pleasant business trip ini Asia. :) MissLK 家的烹飪過程和成品一樣吸引人。

Miss LK said...

要出差孩子抱緊媽咪黏著撒嬌不肯放,很是掙扎... 非單身五湖四海任我行已不可能,keep my fingers crossed for safe travel and a productive trip!


Echomiao said...

不知你有沒有試過 North Beach 的 ParkTavern 的招牌菜 Poulet Noir? 在特製的鑄鐵鍋直挺挺的站著一隻松露調料醃製十分入味的烤雞 只是賣相有點好笑

Miss LK said...

等你腿復元了,我們約在Park Tavern聚餐吧!慶祝你康復也讓我開眼界:)
正與一位美女舊識出差中,對著美麗的維多利亞港聊感情事. 突覺我生命中的許多美女情路都頗曲折... 一定是你們太美了啦!

V said...

MissLK還出差中?好久沒做全家料理了,週末拜訪James Madison莊園,看見他餐桌上亦有隻雞,還有其他讓人食指大動的"手寫"料理。(準備下回來做pineapple bread casserole。)他說,在餐桌辦的事比書房多。

Unknown said...

Dear LK
我的etsy shop 終於設立起來了!!!


Miss LK said...


Congrats! 下次回台北一定去看你的畫展!

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