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Sunday, June 22, 2014

情迷新德里 Out of India 1.0

這兩年公差印度已比回臺北頻繁, 五月商旅重頭戲是出席公司國際營運新德里分部開幕酒會, 重現東印度洋行風采.  也許於飛行途中皆觀賞了American Hustle, 各同僚紛紛穿起復古婀娜shirt dress, 掛著長串吊墜耳環, 寶萊塢式派對上搖曳生姿…  算是密集高壓會議前的自娛娛人.
Photo on the left was a portrait on the wall of The Rose Hotel.  On the right was the 'reading nook' in my hotel room at The Leela Palace.

One day, some day I want to go back to India for a vacation so I can take as many photos of the beautiful colors and places that I want!!!  The business trips there have always been tensed and packed with vendor meetings.  Lucky if I could snap a shot or two to convey the inspiration this majestic country offers.
No complaints for staying at The Leela Palace - the hotel exemplifies the best in class of services.
After a series of insomnia naps in flight accompanied by The Desolation of Smaug, I was ready to splay on the bed, getting myself lost in the dream of colors and spices.

酒店接車是雪白BMW740, 直到現在我還是不習慣陷在冰涼舒軟的後座看窗外塵埃飛揚的世界, 此起彼落的喇叭聲是不關己事的罪惡感.  接待員西裝筆挺英俊如膚色較深年紀稍輕的Clark Gable, 某回同行的C仍單身, 天性浪漫的她忍不住驚嘆:為什麼這些印度男人都這麼英俊  有鑑近幾年印度屢傳性侵女性的暴行, 遊客或當地女子無一倖免, 我沒好氣的回答:小心, 搞不好全是強暴犯虐妻狂.  所有的犯罪皆源於社會問題, 當我們漠視貧富兩極化, 縱容政府無能, 到頭來人人都是共犯.
Photo credit:  Remodelista
I did not take these two photos and they captured India so vividly.  I always wanted to ride in the classic Ambassador Taxi like in movies.
Never had the leisure of plunging into the water… be able to have a quiet moment by the rooftop pool overlooking Delhi cityscape before(or after) a work day was already a treat.

這趟伴我同行的物流部總監亞曼達氣質如首席芭蕾女伶, 我們年歲相仿也差不多時間加入公司, 從青澀的新鮮人至身經百戰, 彼此有份微妙默契.  地陪領著我們到印度著名的珠寶行, 雕花門前荷槍警衛架勢十足, 一千零ㄧ夜般的瑰麗綾羅, 印度美學重疊層色彩… more is more.  雪膚碧眼的亞曼達配戴羽扇形鑄金耳環美麗極了, 我拍手叫好.  她問我怎麼對珠寶無動於衷? 我說得存錢先替家裏換個新浴缸才是 :)
India cuisine has its way of making vegetables and plain milk sexy.  Broccoli stuffed with pomegranate seeds baked with cheese and the Gulab Jamun in rose syrup are bits of heaven on the plate.
Nameless ruins on our way to the Hauz Khaz Village.

我對印度料理很著迷:  basmati香米, 炭爐烘餅, 番紅花乳酪羊肉咖哩, 玫瑰糖水炸湯圓, 熱騰騰的香料奶茶… 這次出差ㄧ如往常行裝輕便沒怎麼採買, 最大收穫是滿腦子創作靈感和從幾位印度家廚套來的masala chai配方, 主角是小荳蔻和肉桂, 其它八角,丁香,薑片… 則自由發揮.  作法再簡單不過, 晨起木臼將香料略搗, 清水熬出色約十五分鐘, 加入茶葉與鮮奶細火慢煮, 等三者溫柔並存, 拌兩匙蜂蜜, 那甦醒味蕾的香氣, 圓潤的口感… 誰還回得去呢?
My very best souvenir from the trips to India - Masala Chai recipe!  Green cardamon pods, cinnamon sticks, cloves… Yes, the star anise embedded tea bowl is MY DESIGN(I am sounding like the serial killer from Hannibal ;P) 


Silvia said...

我也嗜印度菜,而且好masala chai,唯一无法消受的是印度甜点,实在太甜!说起来印度旅行这件事我也向往好久,只是鉴于安全问题不敢独自前往。还是商务旅行好,无需太大花费亦无须担忧安全问题。

Unknown said...

我尢去年從印度帶回white tea!大蓋是白毫吧!

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

Miss LK 把印度描述得濃豔迷魂。也多謝妳的圖文,把極度懸殊的生活角度在我們眼前展現。

妳所說的那些印度料理都是我愛吃的。茶杯設計得真美! 好棒的 Miss LK

Miss LK said...

印度甜點味道馥郁, 只能偶爾過癮 :)

Miss LK said...

杯子設計本要量產,後來重回corporate, 創業夢只好暫時擱下.
我喜歡鍋煮奶茶,慢火熬茶也較出色. 不過白毫算青茶吧?不知適不適合久煮.

Miss LK said...

印度風貌多樣,忒是迷人. 尤其對色彩的天生感應無與倫比, 有位紡織廠老闆請我下次到他齋爾浦的工坊學藍花木印染 :)
每回享用印度美饌我總是自制全失吃過量 :p

聚水藏風 said...

做設計的 miss LK 去到這文化古國,想必是受到很多啓發吧。:)) 又白毫好像是屬於白茶。

Miss LK said...

的確靈感泉湧想像無限 :)有些塲景也頗慨嘆... 那麼窮那麼混亂... 印度政府在做什麼?
我語焉不詳, 所謂'青'是指白毫屬未發酵茶.

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