歲末聚會多, 萬聖節感恩節接踵而至, 勞動階級要俗務擺兩旁放假出國不易. 然舊金山灣依山傍水, 當旅行癮發作還是可駕愛駒馳騁, 就近求解藥:
Local Trip 1.
Thelma&Louise(Cavallo Point) - This photo is from cavallopoint.com
T&L故事頗富爭議性, 深具女性主義色彩, 年代久遠記不得自己到底有沒有欣賞過這部電影, 即使有, 當時太年少, 無法明瞭於生命蒼涼的控訴. 不過有心人都記得兩位演技精湛的美艷女主角Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis和萬人迷Brad Pitt初登大銀幕演個小混混的痞樣.
Dr. C與我自然沒那麼帶種, 前前後後協商許久, 才確認ㄧ個有家人幫忙看孩子,沒小朋友生日聚會,我不用加班她不用回醫院值班的悠閒週末.
My best friend and I are no Thelma&Louise(where is our Brad Pitt?) This IS our weekend, two exhausted mommies running away from patients/clients, husbands, sons, chores… We found our sanctuary at the spectacular Cavallo Point.
當有志者事竟成(出門前還得盯著小V寫完讀書報告T_T)驅車穿越蜿蜒山路, 抵達位金門大橋底的Cavallo Point, 將車鑰匙交給valet時, 忍不住暢飲香檳吶喊We made it! Cavallo Point視野佳隱密性充足乃前軍事基地. 山巒環抱, 天光水色橋景如畫, 圍繞海灣的坡地散落十數棟古典白屋. 丘頂的教堂更是浪漫婚禮熱門, 我們佇留期間便有三對新人於此交換誓言: 白紗, 花瓣, 飛揚的緞帶… 彷彿踏入童話故事綠茵的草原.
The charming historical architecture is quite a hidden gem and makes a romantic wedding venue. We enjoyed tea gazing into sunset from the cozy SPA, dined a autumnal feast by the fire at the Murray Circle, and chatted under the winterly starry night into sweet dreams.
既是Girls Getaway(aging women's escape :P) 美食與SPA當然不能少, 無論是火爐前品嚐野蕈南瓜迷迭香烤阿月渾子, 還是晨起遙望朝陽金光大啖山羊乳酪辣肉腸蛋捲, 佐以天南地北的聊天, 似乎回到未嫁時的自由… 談笑間我們穿著浴衣在光亮挑高的SPA消磨午后, 尤加利芳香的蒸氣浴, 按摩師韻律催眠的手勁… 平日工作的辛苦, 為人母的操勞, 婚姻免不了的衝突, ㄧ寸寸融化. 回程時送Dr. C到她父母家聚餐, 不禁微笑, 這趟路我是走慣的, 當年兩個女生窩在Dr. C的閨房讀亦舒, 解析未來志向和研究戀情… 老朋友好朋友如同健康, 皆是人生最大財富:)
Local Trip 2.
Do you want to build a snowman?(Lake Tahoe)
The trick of keeping a Thanksgiving family vacation fun and not just fulfilling an obligation is to find something for everyone. Lakeshore scenery for the sightseeing in-laws :P
The rustic modern lodge at the Hyatt Regency for the jet lagged couple(try your luck at the casino!).
公婆來美暫住, 分擔LK先生和我輪流出差時照護小V重任, 逢感恩節連假來趟家族旅行以慰辛勞, 浩浩蕩蕩開車赴滑雪聖地Lake Tahoe. 第ㄧ天沿著湖區觀光, 寄宿頗有摩登獵屋風味的Hyatt Regency, 隨俗於紅木林中星光下白石沙灘前的Lone Eagle享用感恩節大餐.
'Frozen' really is for everyone :) As empowering as Elsa's anthem, Let It Go, Do You Want to Build A Snowman tugs at my heartstrings even more… the longing for companionship and sisterly love brings me to tears each time the song plays.
This photo is from The Ritz-Carlton Highland.
After Thanksgiving by the lakeshore, up the mountains on Black Friday we went. Upon checking into the Ritz-Carlton Highland, we previewed the pastry chefs building a life-sized gingerbread house in the lobby.
第二天跋涉上雪山入住遠離塵囂的Ritz-Carlton-Highland, 這系列的resort很貼心, 齊備各式各樣闔家歡活動, 抵達時糕餅師傅們正賣力打造真人大小的薑餅屋!
Staying at several Ritz around the world in the past, we always appreciate how family(and oftentimes pet) friendly the resort chain operates. The highland Ritz oozes old world charm and modern comfort with breathtaking sceneries. The weary travelers soon fell into cozy embraces of nighty-night after the soothing SPA and a mug of Apple Cider/Eggnog/Blue Bottle Coffee next to the crackling fire.
行館處處升著石窖火爐, 並設休憩的寬碩皮沙發鋪手勾毛毯, 供應熱騰騰蘋果酒蛋酒與Blue Bottle Coffee(!) 因為Ralph Lauren格調的房間太舒服, 輪班享受了能眺望遠山雪景的SPA後便早早入睡.
The morning after we found ourselves in a winter wonderland of glistening snow. Not equipped for skiing, still we rode the mountain gondola for a bird's eye view of the flurry forest and the winter village.
ㄧ覺醒來大大驚喜, 原來昨夜飄雪, 整個高地森林銀妝燦爛, 我們雖沒滑雪的準備, 然伴著熊熊炭火握著熱茶欣賞落地窗外的雪景也很過癮. 童心大起陪小V搭空中纜車, 鳥瞰山腳下鏟雪中的小村落, 別有番難得的北國風情. 此行忘了攜帶素描本, 然意外的ㄧ場初雪景觀別緻, 忍不住以iphone盡收, 或許選幅作為今年的賀卡吧!
Happy Holidays!
多年前到lake tahoe,中途遇雪,當時尚無雪地開車經驗,就怕輪子打滑,緊張刺激極了。能放鬆心情,享受當刻,近地都是escapes。Happy Holidays!!
PS. 我也看了death in pemberley,現代了些,Matthew Rhys演來完全沒那個味;然而,初看colonel,卻有幾分Darcy。
歳末是一年中最忙碌,最寒冷,卻可以是最温馨的時刻。忙碌的現代婦女我們,家庭事業都要兼顧,但最滿足是看到家人親人在一起的快樂時光 :)
MissLK妳的图怎么都那么好看!每次看到你的文章都会觉得我的mummy生活又有了小希望 ;) 幸好12月的假期已经开始,多休养生息到处旅行哦~
The Eascapist in Me, 真是個可愛俏皮的題目。:)我一直覺得有要好的朋友一起 girls getaway 是生活中重要的分號,哪怕是一起喝一杯茶,一通電話也好。
這趟還用不上雪鍊, 然ㄧ下雪大家紛紛減速慢行, 塞了幾個小時車回到家真真累垮. 雪初下十分美麗, 然真要鏟雪除冰, 辛苦得什麼浪漫心思都沒有了...
對那劇有同感, Colonel F眉眼有點像當年的Colin Firth. Mrs. Younge很陰森, 故事軸線還滿引人but all the pieces did not come together. 原著或許好些?
Happy Holidays!
家庭, 事業... 能有ㄧ項顧到就該偷笑了 :P 不身在其中是很難體會蠟燭兩頭燒的辛苦.
我們這兒不算太冷, 歲末倒是有許多聚餐和節慶派對, 種種美食好酒看了開心 :)
Happy Holidays!
初為人母前三年最辛苦, 會漸入佳境, 加油! 育兒是ㄧ輩子的牽掛和學習 :)
文中提到的幾個地方實景比圖片壯麗的多, 山水陶冶性情!
年終我們這行最忙, 還有好ㄧ番衝刺.
Happy Holidays!
不蹺家就不會念及家的好處 :)
好朋友最珍貴的是默契, 能真正關心並欣賞彼此, 除了志趣相投也要有點緣份.
Happy Holidays!
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