When I heard Taylor Swift's version of Last Christmas on the radio, I knew I am officially old(where is George Michael?). Last Christmas we were feasting in the exquisitely beautiful Kyoto and less than ten blog posts after, we reached the end of 2014 already, sigh! I summarized the year's learnings in my usual off beat greeting card:
猶記去年聖誕夜於初雪京都喫鰻魚飯, 怎麼愰眼2014已至歲末?!
今年旅行幾個新景點, 舊地重遊也諸多驚喜, 天方夜譚似的奇遇待日後慢慢書寫. 生活工作和家庭三面夾攻下雖時時捉襟見肘, 然見招拆招頗有領悟, 節錄於這張LK風的另類賀年卡獻上深深祝福!
The month of December was all about gifting. The family tradition inaugurated with my favorite marron glacé, dark truffle, and pate de fruit from La Maison du Chocolat(sorry to hear the passing of its founder, Mr. Linxe...)
The marron glacé was especially extravagant with the rose gold wrapper… after all I have been nice, right?
Presents to my fearless leader and my hardworking team - my favorites too, watercolor sketch journals of Philippe Dumas.
After living in the tropics with sundress and sandals for three years, my first winter home was dreadful… couldn't bear to bundle up and walk around like a yeti. Two winters after I slowly eased back into classic cashmere, suede, faux fur, and leather boots, falling in love with the cold weather all over again :)
Volunteered to run a booth at the company's artisan sale for St. Jude discovering so many hidden talents among us.
My dear friend and colleague, beautiful A hosted a costume jewelry drive for Project Glimmer, what a great cause to champion!
通過同事亞曼達得悉本地幫助青少女的慈善機構Project Glimmer, 人美心善的她擔任義工經年. 物資過盛的我們, 抽屜中有多少積塵許久的過氣舊愛呢? 是時候付予新生… To give a meaningful gift方是佳節送禮最美心意.
My dear friends, to a brighter and merrier 2015!
ps. 是帶幾分傻氣的忽忽, 不是'如果再見不能紅著眼, 是否還能紅著臉'的匆匆那年喲 :)
忽忽,我也趕到事情沒完成幾件,一年就過了。忽糊。呼呼。但還是要不免俗地說聲,Happy New Year to you and your family, Miss LK! :)
Happy New Year!
Winter break 陪小朋友去Disneyland玩, 童心未泯的代價是累垮兼感冒(淋雨還排隊, 自作自受:p)
Dear Miss LK, Happy New Year!
送禮有時比收禮物開心很多。時間是過得快,特別是忙碌的過活或玩樂中。祝 2015 年 Miss LK 生活工作家庭事事如意稱心!
Dear Jane,
新年快樂!禮送得好不如送得巧,這個聖誕節最窩心的禮物是BFF快遞的panettone. 背後有些典故,而心意卻與多年前我們還是大學生,她從波士頓著名糕餅店寄了兩盒杏仁餅到曼哈頓給當時失意到谷底的我一樣深重,after all these years we are still on each other's team :)
我也很喜歡妳news欄裡的生活點滴速寫,上次是Mr. Darcy ,這次是與小朋友們一起遊玩Disneyland, 可曾考慮把這些雪鴻泥爪也留個檔?新年讀的新書,我在考慮好朋友推薦的the signature of all things,還有2015電影原著小說清單http://www.buzzfeed.com/ariellecalderon/books-to-movies-2015#.giZ7D3n0a
謝謝你總是那麼捧場! news update到了每年blog anniversary我會集結成ㄧ獨立網誌, 剛好縱覽ㄧ年發生的大小事, 多半是自己碎碎念罷了 :P
ps. 現在正努力讀完2014 ibooks download的幾本書...
pps. 電影原著小說很想讀Still Alice, 我想我會哭. Far From Madding Crowd可惜不是Polanski執導.
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