過去幾年心不放在自己身上, 很受外力影響, 觀影看戲得過且過. 今年圖窮匕現心竅頓開, 深感人性複雜, 最難堪是朋友之間嫉妒, 最難為是敵人互相欣賞. 這幾個月反覆掙扎, 其實就是部葵花寶典: 欲練神功, 引刀自宮. '自宮'當然是作家象徵性的寫法, 我的解讀為戒急用忍, 在任何微型社會, 為達到目標, 需要克制自己性格中與主流文化相抵觸的層面.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Sunday, December 20, 2015
她慢慢帶走沈默 Rendezvous in NYC 3. Muse Runs When You Look Away
Not sure how that ritual inaugurated, having breakfast at the Balthazar in SOHO is quintessential NYC for me. The line for the Thanksgiving brunch was too long so my friend C and I went to its younger, hipper sister branch Lafayette instead for coffee and canele.
我對老派禮數傾心, 譬如, 上樓梯女士先, 下樓梯男仕前, 她失足他接住. 譬如, 水煮蛋盛在骨瓷杯裏, 延著杯緣往上輕輕敲, 以小銀匙勺… 那是蘇活區的Balthazar, 屬於紐約回憶的早餐儀式.
旅途中 The Journey
Saturday, December 12, 2015
她靜悄悄的來過 Rendezvous in NYC 2. Muse Comes When You Stop to Call Her
No matter how many years I have left the city, there will be a fragment of NYC in me. Whether it is the light and shadow on the Temple of Dendur at the Metropolitan Museum or the sound from the fountain of the garden court inside the Frick Collection. There, I blossomed into who I have always been and who I really am.
紐約求學生涯極溫柔的回憶是拿著學生證免費逛遍世界級的博物院美術館: 有幾處所在如老朋友, 心靜心煩心慌心喜都得上那兒待個半晌, 如大都會美術館光影分明的Temple of Dendur和Frick Collection鑲著小小噴水池的中庭, 偏愛週末的早晨攜著繪本進門, 禪修似的眼觀鼻鼻觀心, 畫到時間凝結筆尖, 懂得與自己和平相處是門藝術.
旅途中 The Journey
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
江湖 Rendezvous in NYC 1. The Prelude
The common thread for year 2015 has been impromptu, a rare action for an analytical mind. Perhaps as life proceeds, we all realize that time is running fast, running out and therefore one either seizes the moment or the moment is lost forever.
想著感恩節當天飛紐約, 萬一空城餓肚子太可憐, 從Expedia找到位於小義大利和中國城交界的精品旅館, 房間簡約色彩鮮明, 落地窗對著紅磚房, 頗有隱於市的味道. 斜角便是百年義式糕餅老店, 街上有中藥行海味鋪算命攤酒吧咖啡室, 簡直王家衛加史柯西斯.
旅途中 The Journey
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