爵士歌伶氣質近似貓科動物, 若說Amy Winehouse是頭野性難馴的金錢豹, Norah Jones則是睜著大眼睛的柔順貓咪. NJ嗓音具故事性, 應該滿適合唱Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? 然聽罷略感失落, 她娓娓道來甜美夢遊, 虛幻空靈, 硬是少了那針扎肉的實感. 本以為WYSLMT這題目俏皮, 與敝格天馬行空風格合拍, 誰知同樣辭句問至第三篇, 寫著寫著沈重起來… 或許真正的愛情皆難以負荷, 無苦集滅道, 無智亦無得.
Can't let the summer pass by without finishing my travelogue. Just think about it… we call a vacation 'escapde' for very good reasons.
The day we explored Minami-Aoyama, in the midst of chic boutiques of haute couture, a serene bamboo forest surrounded by concrete and steel turned my head and breathed in my soul. That was the Nezu Museum.
The collection of ancient bronze mirrors and ink paintings was exquisite. The architecture was an amazing story teller on its own: the narrow but lofty gallery utilized every bit of natural light, the garden of infinite green soothed the most restless mind, and the bamboo lined rite of passage welcomed the old me in and led out the renewed me :)
如果對事業缺乏燃燒的熱情, 我想我沒辦法持續那麼多年, 固執我輩通病: 吾等選擇命運, 非命運選擇吾等. 工作室氛圍日益沈重, 近ㄧ年前人事洗牌, 頂頭上司兼任雙品牌設計總裁, 氅下幾位猛將包括LK榮膺Fantastic Four, 肩負起死回生重任. 幾番折騰, 頓悟Fantastic Four實為Suicide Squad(我愛Harley Quinn, Margot Robbie真辣!) 天天朝九晚九, 驅車回家, 空蕩蕩的屋子對我高喊的不是偽單身自由萬歲, 而是What the F*** I am doing to myself? 夜夜晚膳冰淇淋, 黑巧克力, 苦咖啡… 疲倦有理, 墮落無罪.
The concept of Higashiya Ginza was art in confectionery and the confectioneries as a form of art. Do prepare to spend a long afternoon in the Sabo teahouse; it's not meant to be rushed. Each delicacy deserved to be experienced with the full blossoming of senses.
The tea salon delighted the eyes just as well, from the subdue colors, the menu mounted on antique newspaper stick, the mindful tea masters, and the glass tray of herbs right next to the brass faucet on the ebony granite counter. The slowness in life was precious.
這暑假除過勞外ㄧ事無成, 與N的地中海之行種種因由擱淺, 近藤麻理惠的整理魔法好像全世界只有LK沒怦然心動, 連最最卑微, 誓言LK先生和小V回歸之前光明正大於寬碩的電視螢幕回顧所有限制級新浪潮電影, 我竟然在史上最藝術的情色片Betty Blue開場十五分鐘內便呼呼大睡, 天明醒來慌慌張張梳洗趕著上班, 邊開車邊想: 法國人夠天真爛漫, 中年危機的解藥是交個瘋狂性感的女朋友, ㄧ把野火燒去你所有從頭開始?!
趁著夏末時光, 趕完遊記也算小小成就, 整理東京行相片, 突然發現閱讀ㄧ行接ㄧ行的情詩:
他安排所有行程, 太座毋需費心.
他帶著兒子上麥當勞, 讓太座清靜於久兵衛享用壽司.
他永遠記得太座最愛虎屋的黑砂糖羊羹和葛切, 船橋屋的蕨餅, 椿屋的紅茶戚風蛋糕…
禮拜六早晨讓facetime鈴聲吵醒, 閉眼伸手開ipad, 聽父子倆越洋ㄧ搭ㄧ唱.
LK先生: 都跟你說那麼早, 媽咪還在睡懶覺.
小V: 睡覺媽咪就不會罵人啊!
忍不住笑醒, 揭開偽單身最後的週末. ㄧ天下來, 驚覺自己忙進忙出, 也寫下ㄧ封又ㄧ封的情書:
摺疊整齊, 分門別類的衣衫.
As I inhaled a plate of kuzumochi dusted with powdered green tea, from the signage I discovered that one of my favorite writers, Akutagawa Ryunosuke also loved the dessert. What karma, literally :)
關於愛情, 蕩婦卡門分析精闢:
L’amour est un oiseau rebelle
Que nul ne peut apprivoiser,
Et c’est bien in vain qu’on l’appelle
S’il lui convient de refuser.
人性本質單純, 溫良恭儉讓難敵雌雄物種天然相吸引, 而撐得起人生的, 卻絕不僅僅是荷爾蒙費洛蒙的化學反應, 需要等量的, 同甘共苦的堅毅, 過關斬將的智勇雙全, 和士為知己而死的默契. 偏偏, 懂你的人不見得愛你, 愛你的人不見得懂你, '明天你是否依然愛我'說到底是條政治問題 :)
With all the sweetness, I shall conclude my post with sweet talks. Back to the title why I named the series Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? Really, it's nothing(and now I sound like a broken hearted in denial). I heard a version of the song in the Delfonics store Tokyo. At first I thought it's chanson and then the songstress whispered the last line in Mandarin with an awkward accent. I knew it's definitely not the Shirelles original, nor Amy Winehouse, and the vocal somewhat reminded me of Norah Jones. Could I quote U2 now… I Still Haven't Found What I Am Looking For? :)
我現在簡單的大腦已經跟不上 Miss LK 細膩心思 不過在我看來 Miss LK 學有專精 工作能發揮所長 家庭幸福美滿 還能不時吃到美味和果子 人生無憾矣 😆
哪裡, 我非常遺憾缺乏豐胸細腰大長腿, 事事皆憑勤能補拙, 無法投機, LK十年寒窗不敵美人兒回眸一笑 :)
不過知足常樂, 我本來就是勞碌命, 勞心勞力外頗有口褔已深覺命運待敝人寬厚, 無可抱怨.
每天在公司進行真人版Plants vs. Zombies II, 稍疏忽就the zombies ate your brains, 心思不縝密些怎行?
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