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Sunday, December 11, 2016

說你對我矢志不渝 Thanksgiving in NYC1

Visiting NYC has become my Thanksgiving anniversary!  This time, the boys tagged along so family fun it was, girls' outing had to take the back seat.  
We stayed at the Bryant Park where Christmas Market and ice skating rink became alive every night.  Ah, the Public Library, so grand and so classic… quite a treat to walk by each morning.

人到某個年紀, 便拋下年青時的自命不凡, 開始對婆媽肉麻的事物感動起來, 大抵為幽暗心理學不可解的奧秘.  歌劇魅影The Phantom of The Opera從大ㄧ時感恩節和Dr. C兩枚窮學生結伴觀賞百老匯音樂劇揭開序幕, 多年來紐約, 舊金山, 電影… 重看數次.  當年覺得故事濫殤, 樂曲雖朗朗上口, 不脫煽情之嫌:  '說你對我矢志不渝, 天涯海角長伴左右...'  這款歌辭, 聽者誰不滿身起雞皮疙瘩, 然這次遊NYC, 冬夜排隊進Majestic Theatre, 竟也看得熱淚盈眶, 寒風颼颼, 低吟The Music of The Night緩緩步回旅館, 頗有新的領悟:
Broadway musical is a must in NYC.  We didn't plan early enough.  The acclaimed Hamilton and the delicious Les Liaisons Dangereuses starring Janet McTeer were both sold out.  Almost reluctantly, we lined up at the Majestic Theatre for… hmmm, The Phantom of The Opera that I have seen several times in the past and in different theaters.  As soon as the curtain drew and the chandelier rose, once again the uttermost old world romance and mesmerizing tunes swept me off my feet.  This time, I renewed my understanding of the characters… Why?  Christine, why?

歷代Phantom, 最帥是2004電影版的壞壞型男Gerard Butler, 姿態性感嗓音搖滾, 整部片比較像蒙面俠盜Zorro唱搖籃曲哄白雪公主睡覺 :P  魅影25週年倫敦皇家劇院公演的Ramin Karimloo則歌聲磁性魔幻, 時而渾厚霸道, 時而輕悠脆弱, 將Phantom詭譎多變, 自大自卑的多面性發揮極致.  我最愛原版Michael Crawford古典浪漫的演繹, 他的聲音清揚脫俗, 忠實的詮釋Phantom可怕外貌高超才華層層偽裝下那顆渴望被愛與愛人的純稚之心.
For the record, I'd always loved the character of Phantom.  How could I not, I am a product designer and his Renaissance talents are to die for.  I totally don't mind being his mentee(NOT mistress) if he looks as hot as Gerard Butler… Just kidding.  After leaving the Majestic Theatre,  Mr. LK, Little V and I were singing in trio as we walked in chill from Time Square back to Bryant Park.

25週年紀念公演尾聲首任女主角Sarah Brightman特別出場與來自世界各地的Phantom五重唱, 她雖有些年紀, 神情仍然嫵媚的不得了, 魔性嗓音穿梭高低音符, 讓人心神激盪.  2004電影版的Emmy Rossum當年以天才美少女之勢演出Christine Daae, 蒼白纖秀清麗, 難怪兩位大帥哥要為她決鬥!  我則欣賞Sierra Boggess, 絲緞般的聲音表情豐富, 嬌俏的笑容煥發堅毅氣質, 更接近我想像中的孤女歌伶, 生活於黑暗世界的古怪宅男, 怎能不為閃爍陽光的她鍾情?

My favorite TPOTO cast,

Phantom:  Michael Crawford, hands down.
Christine Daae:  Sierra Boggess, I love the strength in her silky voice.
An entire window of hearts, love and peace right across to the Trump Tower - two thumbs up for Henri Bendel!!!

第ㄧ次在紐約觀賞歌劇魅影, 同行除了Dr. C 還有後來成為心理醫生的蘇, 記得當時蘇最不喜歡第二男主角Raoul, 認為此角膚淺, 換作她ㄧ定選Phantom.  我暗暗為Raoul打抱不平, 其實Raoul為了心上人不惜冒險犯難, 非常勇敢, 高富帥豈是他的錯?  扮演Christine Daae的女高音未必要艷絕人寰, 但Raoul此角ㄧ定要英俊, 才能烘托Phantom的悲苦, 所以2004電影版的Patrick Wilson大勝, 那段地底迷宮美聲飆歌真是經典 :)  某次我塞在Embarcadero車陣, 聽著Down Once More, 忍不住邊壓低聲音扮Phantom:  So do you end your days with me, or do you send him to his GRAVE? 邊柔情萬種學Raoul:  Why make her lie to you to save me? 正自我陶醉中, 驚見車前有人對我微笑招手, 原來是瑜珈課老師… 糗斃了!!!

Out of curiosity, I watched the sequel, Love Never Dies.  The story line was too much a wishful thinking constructed heavy handedly.  The lyrics tried to rhyme with such hauntingly romantic melodies but all fell part in a sappy mess.  'And years come, and years go.  Time runs dry.  Still I ache down to the core.  My broken soul.  Can't be alive and whole.  Till I hear you sing once more'… c'mon, Baron Lloyd-Webber, you can do better than that.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas… the 'Angels of Music' at the Rockefeller and the crowded skating rink.

至於狗尾續貂的Love Never Dies, 因為好奇, 不顧'Paint never dries and love does die', 'Love never dies?  It should never be born.'… 等種種負評, 我欣賞了澳洲劇場版錄製的DVD與Sierra Boggess+Ramin Karimloo再次黃金搭檔的原聲帶, 後者光聽歌曲還算空靈悅耳, 前者故事單薄老套, 開場Phantom已成紐約娛樂大亨, 蝙蝠俠似的高大身影, 捶胸頓足在意中人巨碩油畫下高唱Till I Hear You Sing… 說真的, 咆哮山莊那類盪氣迴腸有其粉絲, 但不是LK的這杯茶… TPOTO歷久不衰的魅力於雅俗共賞, LND失敗在俗氣的比重太高, 忍不住要說 Phantom still… Phantom of the Soap Opera :P 

Inspired by the finely decorated Christmas windows annually, my two favorites from the Bergdorf's Destination Extraordinary:  The Book Club and The Only Way to Fly.

這世代, 臉書冠蓋滿京華朋友數破百, 實則斯人獨憔悴, 能說真心話的沒半個.  速食愛情的起源和結束, 可能皆由簡訊傳遞, 為愛執著神傷豈不太傻.  歌劇魅影令人著迷, 大概就是故事理直氣壯的歌頌愛情, 如Phantom, 赤裸裸以才華將自己心獻祭, 惆悵半生, 至死不悔. 


Echomiao said...

妳說的可是 Anna Sui 她自成一格 也算是 iconic woman。祝你節日快樂 新的一年健康心靈荷包皆豐收

V said...

MissLK, happy holidays!(we were talking about you behind your back on Jane's Facebook...;)

Miss LK said...

Bingo! 風格華麗搖滾, 加上橫眉冷對千夫指的酷樣, 捨她其誰 ;)

臺北行可好玩? 也祝福你萬事如意, 2017更精采!

Miss LK said...

Happy holidays!!!

難怪這幾天眼皮跳呢... 原來幾位冤家背後道我長短 ;)

Miss LK said...

For V:

A couple days ago I read a GOOP article(which I could no longer find) about what each astrological sign should do to de-stress. Mine was obvious, to clean up. And yours... try looking for the article and see if it's true for you :)

V said...

Miss LK, 在另一網站找到,應該就是妳說的。唉,每個星座都有使用感,即使紓壓,只有我很頹廢,認真到恨不得把身體揉進去, almost to a degree of addiction...It even says "whatever is on the menu that day is all good". ; )

V said...

I meant to write 使命感 :)

Miss LK said...

V... 真人不露相啊...

我其實Virgo缺點都有但優點就沒半個 常常愈整理愈生氣 為什麼這些東西不會自動歸位九十度角呢
想當年還單身 紓壓良方是上高速公路飆車 尤其喜歡馳騁深夜的HWY 280 下暴雨更好 邊聽巴哈 Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring 雨聲樂聲高速完全消解煩惱 :)
現在有家室收斂些 換觀賞偵探影集 剝繭抽絲別有樂趣

V said...

我不是那樣啦: )以前紓壓是整理,常常一發不可收拾。現在應該是發呆居多,至於情節當然就不局限......。所謂讀一本書走一段旅程,發呆也是啊。有段年紀覺得自己像處女座,有潔僻兼完美主義。怎聊起星座來了?!Wish you a wonderful year ahead!

Miss LK said...

I cannot wait for 2016 to be over...
發呆或冥想都不錯 像畫畫 偶爾要留白
我如果沒早產 應該是天蠍座吧 固執起來有仇必報的狠勁有點像

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