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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

帶領我, 救我遠離孤獨 Thanksgiving in NYC2

Too many goodbyes in 2016, we just saw Rogue One and encored Princess Leia...  
Write once more, about our Thanksgiving trip to the Big Apple. 
NYC, a city with history and never the slave of fashion but insolent tourists are definitely enslaved to this fashionable city.  Don't remember where I took the photo, the elegantly adorned facade was a perfect sight in the mist.

ALW的作品俗, 翻譯並不容易,
'Lead me, save me from my solitude'英文順口, 換中文囉囉攣, 真要對著情人款訴, 恐怕左右開弓巴掌伺候.  LK鐵血司令也, 研究起軟辭艷曲, 有種頭頂長角離經叛道的頹廢快感(!)

, 再論歌劇魅影 :)

SOHO's Balthazar received mixed reviews from my friends.  Some felt they took a snub for the quality of food not worthy of the wait.  It's more a nostalgic ritual for me.  While feasting on the buckwheat crepe and sipping cafe au lait, I reveled in my forgotten youth with a smile.

吾兒沒白生養, 儼然媽咪知音, 陪我翻看各版本兼討論, 遺傳乃母黑色幽默, 小V說Raoul乃完美組合, 我以為他指其人英俊英勇, 原來他覺得Raoul富有但傻氣 :) 母子倆頗君子風我可以不贊同你的立場, 但絕對尊重你發言權力V一如八歲至八十歲的雄性生物, Sarah Brightman千嬌百媚的嗓音毫無抵抗力, 他欣賞Ramin KarimlooJohn Owen-Jones的演繹, 我仍是Michael Crawford鐵粉.

Then there's Dean&Deluca, a scrumptious rite of passage for Californian to become New Yorker.  Numerous times I waited behind the glass doors and by the coffee counter for my friends and boyfriends where dreams and ambitions materialized as we loved and lived.

RK嗓音誘惑, 他開口呼喚, 很難想像有哪位女性不拜倒他雪白面具黑色大氅下正因如此, 詮釋深沈惡意步步驚心, 那闕'回頭不是岸' (Point of No Return可以這樣翻譯嗎?) 迷炫共舞直至毀滅, 這個Phantom好悲憤本人才華震古爍今, 你怎能不愛我?!

Only a city like NYC could afford the gallery-esque bookstore of Taschen.  I was drowning in the ravishing drawings of William Blake and Heironymus Bosch.  However, I had to admit, I am not a fan of the modern art.  Flipping one's middle finger toward iconic architecture is making a political statement; it is not art. 

MC古典美聲, 音域空靈, 任曲調險峻, 他舉重若輕情感細膩尾聲闇夜水窖對峙, Phantom扳過美人香肩吼她認命, Pity comes too late, turn around and face your fate: an eternity of THIS窮兇極惡, before your eyes急轉脆弱心碎.  Phantom其實一直懷抱受傷孩子般的心靈; 從小沒被母親疼愛流浪馬戲團, Christine七歲父親逝世入劇院習芭蕾, 兩人皆飽挨冷眼同病相憐, 通過美妙的, 除他倆無人能懂的符號... 或許, 你真的能帶領我, 救我遠離孤獨.

The Parisian Laduree also found her another home in SOHO.  My favorites never quite ventured far from La Vie en Rose… Ispahan and Saint Honore Rose Framboise, voila :)  Weary travelers like us were outnumbered.  Euro-Kardashians and Chinois-Kardashians flooded in the froufrou parlor, plunking down money and raising up for selfie.

當然, 有才華的人往往很驕傲, Christine充滿殉道精神的一吻, 他澈底醒悟不食嗟來食, 何況是嗟來的愛情? 

California's very own Blue Bottle has risen to stardom with its cup of coffee zen.  I thought never escaping from the minimalistic tiny blue flask until we ran into a shop with the red boot in Brooklyn.  After a steak lunch at the Peter Luger and before heading over to my good friend C's new apartment in Tribeca, we picked up a half bottle of Sauternes, even just for the humor.

, 我幹嘛對怪咖Phantom如此感同身受?!  敝格天馬行空更上層樓, 英文部份則安份敘述遊記 :)

There's a Lady M boutique right next to the Bryant Park Hotel where we stayed.  As far as I could recall, long lines for its famed mille crepes daily.  One afternoon I ordered a takeout of two slices mille crepes, one banana and one matcha.  Enjoying each bite, I relaxed my legs on the chaise and gazed across into the gothic arch window of the next building.

2016, 上個世紀末幾位獨特優美的嗓音相繼離世, 先是Alan Rickman(Professor Snape…), 再來David Bowie, Prince, 詩人般的Leonard Cohen... 聖誕節當天, 少女時聽著他情歌長大的George Michael(A Different Corner陪我渡過多少個失戀失眠的夜晚)亦安息 :(  一方面但覺浮生若夢, 一方面也自驚青春不再, , 讓我手扶單田展臂高唱It's over now, the music of the night.

My 'rear window' snacks included macarons from Laduree.  One flavor named Jimmy Choo… seriously, I was chewing Jimmy Choo?!


Echomiao said...

Miss LK 不愧是藝術家想像力豐富 不得不承認 Phantom 對我娛樂性高但少了妳那份感同身受 這回在紐約看了“The Humans” 沒有華麗的舞台沒有出塵美麗的男女演員 表面看似正常的一家人 各懷鬼胎暗潮洶湧 彼此拉扯糾結 十分dark 不過各個演技入木三分 彷彿就在他們的客廳 經歷了這個 disfunctional family 的感恩節

Miss Cee said...



Miss LK said...

我是設計師 所以只能算半個藝術家 :)
的確感情豐富 看Les Miserables 只要聽Empty Chairs at Empty Tables必悲從中來大哭
啟程赴上海出差 星期天不開會 已請旅館concierge訂好孟京輝舞臺劇的票 期待

Miss LK said...

常開玩笑說NYC像難忘的舊情人 和她過日子大抵要天天吵架 久久聚一次卻很神魂顛倒
本有意置產 後來得知好友全新公寓的天價 只能默默回灣區再作打算

Miss Cee said...


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