Rarely do I find a Sunday afternoon without anxiety for Monday or perhaps I finally reach the state of Zen, I decided to ponder on various subjects.
初春粉櫻山茶遍開, 週末懶洋洋賴家中, 翻閱校友寫的The Mad Woman Upstairs.
熱愛文學的自己, 從來不是Bronte三姐妹的粉絲, 也許小時候讀的是譯本, 文字的奧妙隔層; 又或過份年少, 無法體認孤雛心路糾結, '簡愛'壓抑, '咆哮山莊'瘋且苦, 還是躲進Pemberley, 為終成眷屬的Lizzy&Mr. Darcy鼓掌起立.
First, an easy read of The Madwoman Upstairs by Catherine Lowell. The witty repartee was enjoyable, the scavenger hunt about the Bronte sisters was arresting but both did not make up for the contrived love story. However, the the intimate glance into the flawed past of the protagonist's father was touching.
然讀Mad Woman, 文學系的青春女主角對天才教授告白, 若教授不回應她的愛, 她立志成為作家改寫師生戀結局… 我不禁對上篇網誌才道別的張愛玲心生敬意, 她極致的筆調, 將世事定格一幅接一幅色彩濃烈的畫, 通透的她, 未曾更動自己分毫遺憾. LK想寫武俠小說, 潛意識不知反應著什麼?
Second, my culinary expedition. I wrote two posts after my NYC trip about every revelation of the journey except… FOOD while the quality, density, and availability of good food quintessentially defines NYC!
Scrumptious Italian cuisine at Ai Fiori. The Riccio di Mare was exquisite and refreshing.
禮拜五春季發表會完, 請團隊Happy Hour 點薄酒佐薯條坐露天座聊天. LK領導的五人小組, 各個才華洋溢, 於此深感幸運, 她們的熱情和友情, 支援我抗衡所有壓力, 也是我工作上的繆思. 出完差回辦公司首日桌上有份鮮橘色的包裹和卡片, 卡片寫著:
我知道職場挑戰重重壓力伺伏, 我知道朋友敵人皆非永恆, 但今天, 謝謝你.
Luncheon at The Modern came with a serene view of the museum. Both display and proceeding felt like a leisure stroll in the blooming garden.
去年NYC大吃大喝, 回來遊記竟只寫舊情復燃的歌劇魅影?! 整理攝影, 勉勉強強當本篇文不對題的插圖.
The legendary Peter Luger. The carnival of all senses for carnivores :)
Jean-Georges… the restaurant has become a tourist attraction. The flavor was impeccable with a fanciful play of texture.
我不久也要去新加坡和悉尼。可惜Wordpress 把我的域名弄丟了,想著要不要再開一個新的呢⋯⋯
想著你網誌消失 和H 教授合寫的美食部落格亦久沒更新 正要寫信問候 你就先來留言了 :)
當然希望你開個新的 這些年 我們同居住過獅城 雖真正只見過一次面 經由文字 倒像認識多年的朋友 很珍惜 與聰慧美麗多情的你這特別的緣份
我是天生的賭徒 遇見績優股 非押注不可 我賭你幸福快樂 :)
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