Feeling a poetic lethargy lately… could be the weather. As I organized photos from the trip, bits and pieces of vitality slowly came together like puzzles. At Bloom&Branch, a cafe in Aoyama where the barista was as solemn as a priestess. I made my confession in blue ink and sketches.
四月出差上海時與童年友伴S緣慳一面, 他此次商旅紐約舊金山, 約著在Wayfare Tavern晚餐, 從他媽到我媽(不是罵粗話喲), 由亞里斯多德至黑澤明, 論千禧世代資訊核爆同理心低落, 未來人口為患的國家會否效仿老電影'楢山節考', 對耄耋強制安樂死?