Feeling a poetic lethargy lately… could be the weather. As I organized photos from the trip, bits and pieces of vitality slowly came together like puzzles. At Bloom&Branch, a cafe in Aoyama where the barista was as solemn as a priestess. I made my confession in blue ink and sketches.
四月出差上海時與童年友伴S緣慳一面, 他此次商旅紐約舊金山, 約著在Wayfare Tavern晚餐, 從他媽到我媽(不是罵粗話喲), 由亞里斯多德至黑澤明, 論千禧世代資訊核爆同理心低落, 未來人口為患的國家會否效仿老電影'楢山節考', 對耄耋強制安樂死?
我是悲觀的樂觀主義者, 他是樂觀的悲觀主義者, 老朋友聊得諷刺, 詼諧, 投契 . 飛航途中S觀賞某獨立文青製片, 不由然想起我… 頗感動, 誰還記得當年那古靈精怪的少女? 也感嘆, 苦澀青春遠逝, 現下的LK 固若金湯的世俗強悍.
Lunch at Argile, the culinary civilization round up in a city cave. Surrounded by sculptural drift woods, for a moment I nearly forgot we were in between spring and summer. The autumnal hypnosis befalling...
與母親通話, 動之以情苦, 曉之以理說不清, 誘之以利敝人手頭緊. 漸漸領悟, 她祇想俘虜人傾聽. 跨越血緣羈絆, 我亦可冷靜疏離, 意會演奏生命的曲調, 我遠比母親有慧根, ㄧ個人的心智情緒是音符, 歲月何其公平, 愈懂取捨, 時光將粹煉悠揚豐美的樂章; 反之, 雜聲噪音擾人惱己.
The two Michelin starred Ryuzu had a crisp, sparkling note to its melliferous cuisine from tender morsels melting in the mouth to artful plating that makes the heart sing.
Lunch at Tateru Yoshino was waltz in the spring garden. Bouquets of the season's best, the bursts of colors and entrancing flavors blossomed into a concerto that one never wishes for ending.
在表參道茶洒小憩, 正是父親節前夕, 面對ㄧ片竹林, 思考不同筆法展現竹葉的俊逸. 畫著畫著, 看出葉子肖竹, 枝幹卻絕對非竹, 而後細問, 才得知有bamboo-leaf oak這種植物(!) 想起前老闆, 穿Prada的惡魔男人對我的評語: "LK畫的好, 是她觀察事物的眼光和你們不ㄧ樣." 暖意驀湧, 傳訊祝他父親節快樂, 他回覆: "我一直以你為傲." 幾天後回到臺北, 清晨再度接到傳訊: "孩子, 你還在渡假但不願你從他人口中得知, 我要從PB退休了, 搬到墨西哥和薩爾相依." 薩爾是前老闆多年來同志戀人, 真是浪漫溫柔的結局.
Afternoon tea at Sahsya by Kanetanaka, a sanctuary nestled in the prime sector of Omotesando. I was mesmerized by the 'bamboo' forest and while drawing the fifty shades of green, I then realized the elegant deceit turned out to be Quercus Myrsinifolia...
於臺北法式小館ChouChou和亦師亦友的H老闆聚餐, 討論近日事業岐路, 生意場像玩大富翁, 各有追逐目標, 骰子滾到哪兒隨機應變, 時交手時擦肩而過; 也如華山論劍, 平日仰望自己高山吐納修行, 有緣過招時惺惺相惜, 啊! 吾道不孤… 金錢權位之外仍有少許對理想的執著和熱情, 約莫是侍者端上烤鰲蝦刹那, 突然透晰, 某些棋局宜靜觀莫妄動.
Dinner at Dominique Bouchet's more casual establishment, Les Copains.
Teppanyaki at Ukai-Tei.
Last supper in Tokyo at the Shiseido Parlour. That's right.
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