2018行色匆匆, 幾項富挑戰性的企劃案終究夭折. 創新改革的口號喊得震天價響, 但見滿朝落魄皇孫, 逃難不忘穿金戴銀, 左擁右抱, 架子端得挺好, 至美來句莎翁名句 One can smile and smile and still be a villain… 過節前趕赴上海商旅, 團隊捉襟見肘, 烏雲罩頂, 收假歸來立召密談, 我不殺伯仁, 伯仁因我而死.
My life is governed by duality as a blood type AB, the newer, more modern sanguine family prone to diseases yet mercurial, adaptable with a nimble intelligence. While I titled in Chinese this post camouflage or the great pretender(what?), the irony is, I am searching for kindness within and outward, my true resolution for 2019.