“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.”
_____ Mark Twain
I executed a corporate order on the Friday post Valentine. It hurt deeply on multiple facets. I found solace within a lovely bouquet arranged by the boys. Mr. LK picked me camellia blossoms from our backyard and Little V drew me the sweetest note. Still, not sure how I am ever going to get over this, perhaps only time will tell. I wish I could spare you the pain, the confusion yet I failed miserably, as a leader of the team. I am sorry beyond words.
情人節當天公司舉辦派對分豬肉似的頒獎, 頂頭上司進我辦公室低聲說這次你來我無需在場, 而後人事部召我密談, 隔天我排除所有人類的情緒情感, 裁去團隊共事四年的年青設計師莎拉.