Talented, strong, and beautiful... Dame Helen Mirren, will you marry me? The elemental brutality in Catherine The Great slaughtered my mellow weekend brain though… Reminiscing our summer retreat in the midst of winter, a sadist or a masochist am I?
都說愛上了Helen Mirren, 看她Catherine The Great裏趾高氣昂對面首之一說: "你早就不愛我了, 卻沒勇氣對我坦白, 孬!" 直想起立鼓掌. 2019職場檔案接連, 做對的事雖耗時費力, 但求問心無愧, 遲來正義有二: 敝公司玩具部移交, 今年聖誕銷售開紅盤, 卻是團隊與我去年心血, 當然乏人感謝LK焚膏繼晷…