Talented, strong, and beautiful... Dame Helen Mirren, will you marry me? The elemental brutality in Catherine The Great slaughtered my mellow weekend brain though… Reminiscing our summer retreat in the midst of winter, a sadist or a masochist am I?
都說愛上了Helen Mirren, 看她Catherine The Great裏趾高氣昂對面首之一說: "你早就不愛我了, 卻沒勇氣對我坦白, 孬!" 直想起立鼓掌. 2019職場檔案接連, 做對的事雖耗時費力, 但求問心無愧, 遲來正義有二: 敝公司玩具部移交, 今年聖誕銷售開紅盤, 卻是團隊與我去年心血, 當然乏人感謝LK焚膏繼晷…
無妨, 對得起自己設計魂和恩師S教授.
The morning after arriving Kyoto, we hopped on the first train and hiked to the primeval Fushimi Inari-taisha . Senbon Torii, the thousand patronage gates stood in domino sequence and coiled up the hill like a vermillion python. In the deep of the emerald forest resided a skulk of spirited away foxes.
六月京都行陶冶美學, 然當時不一鼓作氣提筆書寫, 現下盯著幀幀影像, 恍神兼隔世. 記得初到埠時, 興沖沖搭早班車上伏見稻荷大社參拜. 蜿蜒的, 似乎望不見盡頭的朱紅千本鳥居, 煙雨濛濛鬼氣森森, 層層疊疊的石階, 滿置狐仙石雕. 翻聊齋誌異長大, 讀過最哀傷的靈異故事卻是日本漫畫家漆原友紀所著'蟲師', 從初始懷抱淡淡的哀傷踏入原始疏離的迷宮, 走著走著, 莫名未知的恐懼輾轉將人吞噬, 存在主義的反諷.
How does a coffee franchise earn a spot in the mecca of tea? Starbucks found a serene home at the Kiomizu-dera. The marketing of a modern enterprise has taken a winding cultural journey to learn the decorum of ceremonial Chado.
Starbucks於清水坂的町家乃觀光新地標, 清晨來客少, 可脫鞋(請保持穿襪禮貌)盤腿上榻榻米雅座啜飲咖啡. 木造店屋質樸, 低簷低窗低桌低椅, 屋裏人自然低眉斂目; 採光曲折, 幽窄長廊, 入口和盡頭枯山水與綠意小園相呼應, 建築為人與環境永恆對話.
The UNESCO World Heritage site - To-ji Temple. The minimal yet structural sound pagoda conveys the austerity of Shingon Buddhism.
千年繁華凝聚一剎, 訪禪寺, 無宗教信仰所以拜關心思少, 入眼底是建築, 我技藝的初戀. 造景需宏觀, 結構憑細膩, 得遠覽近玩兩相宜. 盈盈夏荷掩映五重窣堵波舍利塔, 別是清涼淨土.
The Byodoin and the spectacular Phoenix Hall then celebrate the opulent Heian Imperial Period with the elegant Bodhisattvas on the clouds.
茶鄉宇治平等院華麗, 白雲倒影阿字池, 中堂和翼廊彷彿飄浮雲端. 鳳凰堂色彩繽紛, 五十二尊供養菩薩擅樂, 眉目祥和, 舞姿婀娜, 可見平安時代的富庶.
My favorite has gotta be the Nanzen-ji where Zen was distilled in the grand architecture draped with the meticulously pruned greenery.
南禪寺則盛唐古風, 三門氣勢玄重, 政教合一歷史舞台, 可想像幕府將軍們賞楓紅決勝千里. 週邊古樹參天,綠蔭靄靄, 石橋鑲嵌青青苔蘚, 處處曲徑通幽.
Back in the city center of Kyoto had the best of a metropolis. Starbucks here resembled a modern art gallery.
京都市中心後現代, Starbucks工房高曠, 天花板管線交錯, 裝置藝術加抽像畫, 坐滿白領小資.
Frequented the boutique cafe Weekender Coffee. It was a tiny shophouse at the corner of a parking lot. No sitting area except the bike rack but both the liquid substance and its vessel were impeccable.
某停車場盡頭有文青咖啡坊Weekend Coffee, 無座位, 三三兩兩背包客掛著單車架, 珍惜掌心瓷杯溫暖.
Ending the journey with a brief stay at the Four Seasons Higashiyama. Rejuvenated in the view of 800-year-old Shakusui-en koi pond garden.
京都行最後兩天入住東山四季, 庭院深深的積翠園, 遠眺法然院, 壯若大觀. 小橋細川, 粼粼石塘錦鯉款擺, 入口漫長竹林道, 頗具瀟湘夏意, 此時此刻風流莫過於… 讀那本總抽不出時間溫習的舊書, 懷念起那個早該遺忘的名字.
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